Does tank have to be cycled for a betta

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 18, 2011
I want to get a 10 gallon for my betta, does it have to be cycled before I put him in there. I will have the regular setups, heater,filter,substrate and some decor. I know that they breath at the surface, will the toxins still harm him, should I cycle it fishless first then move him in?
I want to get a 10 gallon for my betta, does it have to be cycled before I put him in there. I will have the regular setups, heater,filter,substrate and some decor. I know that they breath at the surface, will the toxins still harm him, should I cycle it fishless first then move him in?

Even though labyrinth fish do breath air, any toxins in the water will affect them the same as other species. It was a great question, though!

Fishless cycling rocks the house! :dance:
Just trying to do the right thing and research as much ad I can. I learned a lot in two weeks about this hobby.
While bettas can and do gulp air from the surface if oxygen levels in the water and inadequate, their primary means of respiration is through their gills. As stated above, toxins in the water are still harmful for them, just as they are for any fish.
Do you have another cycled, established aquarium? If so, using seeded media is really all that's required IMO/E. When I set up my 5 gallon Fluval Chi Betta tank...I simply removed a healthy portion of established media from my 46 gallon, jammed it into the Chi's filter and the tank was cycled. The requirement of considering a tank "cycled" is simply that you have a sufficient colony of nitrifying bacteria capable of converting the toxins in the tank. By transplanting that bacteria from an established tank into another with a small bio-load (for example a single Betta), there shouldn't be any issues with toxin spikes and you could consider the tank cycled instantly. Of course you'll still want to test and monitor the tank for some time, and also keep an eye on the tank the media was donated from to ensure it didn't become destabilized from the removal of beneficial bacteria.
My 29 gallon is almost cycled. I have the filter that fits two cartridges in it. Penguin biowheel. Why fish can get along with a male beta. Platys?
It depends entirely on the betta. Many do not get along with anything, those with a more pleasant attitude might. It's always a crap shoot and you need to be prepared to separate the fish if necessary.

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