Doing it backwards..part two

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 5, 2004
In part one (in the plant forum), I mentioned that I started with salt..did that for 15 years and recently switched to fresh. Having been in salt, I want something a little more impressive than mollies and swords (no offense). I have done a lot of research on discus and believe I have settled on 4-5 discus and a LARGE shoal of Cardinal tetras. Beyond them, I would like some community fish that are docile enough to be put in with discus. Does anyone with experience in Discus have any suggestions on good tank mates?


PS. Keep in mind, this is a 175gallon.
Freshwater fish can be just as impressive. You can get puffers, knifefish, pencilnose fish, angelfish, birchirs, a world of gouramis, chichlids, rams, and apistos. You are not limited to mollies and platies. There are some many colors of discus, white, bright blue, red, orange, yellow. They can be impressive. Discus are a fairly compatible fish with any non-agressive smaller fish. Hatchets, rasboras, killifish, loaches, rainbowfish, and your tetras. They might get grouchy during breeding but are generally peaceful. If you're used to look like a saltwater tank you could get a variety of colorful fish and put in a natural, light coloured gravel and lots of natural decor.
Also, are you aware that if you do get discus, that the water parameters need to be almost perfect? I'm sure you experienced this with SW. It's just with FW, discus need better water chemistry than a lot of other fish. I just thought I'd bring it out if you weren't aware of this. But with your SW experience, you'll probably do well. :)
There is a tank at my favorite lfs that is absolutely gorgeous. I contains two fairly large discus and a small school of roseline sharks (aka denison barbs). The size of the school varies because they are for sale, but that tank is truly a sight to behold. The roseline sharks do not get too big, and are very peaceful, very hardy fish. The only downside is they are a bit pricey. But if you are already considering discus, you are probably prepared for relatively expensive fish. I have seen the sharks go for anywhere from $19.99 to $75 each. (the lfs I mention has them marked at $24.99, but the owner will sell them to me for $19.99) If you aren't familiar, you really should check out these fish. A small school of them in a discus tank just looks fabulous. They are a bit more lively than the discus, but no so active as to stress them. And that neon red stripe is a nice contrast to the typical blue markings on most discus. Anyway, I've made my plug. :D Good luck!
Thanks for the input guys! I dont hav time to respond right now b/c its getting a little late and I have to be up early. But I definately will tomorrow. Thanks again! :mrgreen:
I say again... In switching from SW to FW you are NOT going "backwards," you are going FORWARDS! :mrgreen:
And I say again...roseline shark! Roseline shark! :D

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