Dosage instructions for gill flukes.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 11, 2005
North NJ, NYC Metro
Hi everyone, I have a question on gill flukes. I have 3 meds available, CopperSafe, Quick Cure (formalin), and fluke tabs.
My question is, does anyone know a proper dosing of any of those? they all give me instructions for 1 or 2 days, flukes require about a week of dosing so you can kill the eggs that hatched and all that. I just can't seem to find specific clearly understandable dosing procedures for any of those meds in regards to gill flukes. I would be so grateful if someone can post dosing instructions. Please Obi Won your my only hope! :oops:

Stats: 55 gallon, 9 malawi cichlids (1-2inches), gravel substrate, 3 AC 300's
A couple of things here NJfishman. Many bacterial gill infections look like gill flukes. If they are in fact flukes, 3 weeks is the minimum to insure no reinfestation. I've always used a product called Flukes Control. This is pure Potassium Permanganate and quite efective.

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