dwarf Gourami food

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 25, 2006
Vancouver, Canada
curious what kind of live food folks feed their dwarf gouramis.

I've seen it written lots of places that worms are good, but what kind of worms?

Also, what about crickets or stuff like that that I can get at my local Petcetera?

My gouramis haven't really energetically eaten anything I've given them. Right now they get frozen blood worms, frozen tubifex, freeze dried tubifex, freeze dried daphnia, and New Life Spectrum community formula.

they're in a tank with tiger barbs, but they don't really have to compete for food most of the time.
My gouramis are too small to eat crickets but they chow on everthing else.

I pretty much feed them what you listed there.

Their favorite though, would have to be blackworms.

All my fish love live blackworms.
where do you get those? anyone else that posts, where do you get your gourami's favorite foods? do you grow your own? buy them? etc...
I'd get a grindal worm culture. It's easy to keep, the worms are small, and the fishies LOVE THEM. I feed 'em a mix from the place I bought the worms. Microworms might work too; I make their media myself with baby oatmeal, spirulina powder and Naturose powder.

I also have a culture of teensy flightless fruit flies-my fish love those too, and they are a special favorite of top-feeders like gouramis.

All the cultures and media can be found on AquaBid, under "food" then "live."

My fish are afraid of bloodworms....
Ha ha...I go to petcetera and get some crickets, figure I'll try it out.

Down side - neither tiger barbs or gouramis were interested.

Up side - since I had a couple left, I figured I'd try them in my other tank. Now my rainbows LOVE me! Well, there were only two crickets left, so really only two of them love me right now, but they were so happy.

man, I thought they were going to choke on them, big crickets and little mouths, but after a minute of them swiming around with the little bugs half in and out of their mouths, poof! they bit down...little buggy explosion, and very happy fish
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