Dwarf Neon Rainbow compatibility with Harlequin Rasbora

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 13, 2006
I have a school of 10 rasboras and I am entertaining the thought of a school of dwarf neon rainbows. I already returned a school of 10 zebra danios to the store for harassing the rasboras. Any stocking ideas would be appreciated.
IME, Dwarf Neon Rainbows are very peaceful. They are not insane like Danios. They do like a good sized school though, six or more. Get only males, only females or one male to three females.
Thanks, I appreciate your answer. I was hoping for more answers because I really don't want to get these fish home and have to turn around and take them back. I certainly don't doubt your observations of this fish, it would just be nice to hear multiple confirmations or any experience people have had with this fish in relationship to smaller fish.
Understandable. I have five right now and am waiting on four more females to show up tomorrow. These five have previously lived with Danios, Bloodfin Tetras, Guppies, Cories, Rams and a SAE. They currently live with Danios, an Angel, a Gourami, a RTBS, a BGK and a BNP. They will not be aggressive toward smaller fish at all. They do look like they have large mouths but their throats are very narrow so they don't like big food. Again, they are very peaceful and not very rowdy at all. They are mid to top level dwellers and school nicely when kept in groups of five or more, though they will wander off on their own at times.
I'm thinking about taking the plunge. I think I want to get 8 to 10 of them. I was going to get cardinals or neons but these guys seem like they may be an interesting addition.

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