EBJD not looking so good.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 29, 2009
I've had my electric blue JD for about two months now. It's about 1.5 inches at most. I've read that these fish have the tendency to be weak and listless, which mine is. The only time I've ever seen it eat was the day I brought it home. It lives in a 10 gallon right now with 6 guppies and a BN pleco. I will obviously move it to my 55 gallon when it starts to grow. It hides a cave all day usually and doesn't seem to care what's going on around it. I have been expecting it to drop dead for about a month but it seems to stay alive somehow. I hope that it makes a turn around and starts thriving somehow. Any input or ideas of what I could do for it would be great.
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