Egg identification

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 15, 2017
Possibilities are cory cat cat, ghost shrimp, or mystery snails which I have been hand removing every week. I assume they are all mystery snails but they seem keep showing up. I know the clutches are above water but could young ones mate and not go up? I see them crawling on each other so I wondered. It is possible a pond snail has gotten in through the plants but I see no difference other than some have not developed color yet and appear like a pond snail I guess, blueish 20170904_084746.jpgView attachment 1
Thanks, I have been picking snails out every day about. I want them gone, I thought this would fix the problem with my mystery snails (it other type/pond?) Mystery snails only lay eggs above the water line right? I would young one drop them wherever?
Bladder snail eggs. That's what they look like to me. Ramshorns are more uniform and on a harder flat surface. Mystery Snails look like pink bubble gum blobs above the water line.

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