Emperor 400

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 11, 2011
Woodbury, MN
Is anyone familiar with the emperor 400 filter? It has two empty containers to put in filter media and also a filter cartridge that I don't think goes in one of those containers because it doesn't fit. Forgive me...I'm a major newbie. So what am I supposed to put in these containers? The directions are lousy. Thanks! :fish2:
I use 100% poly fill from WalMart to use in the gray cartridges. No need to throw it (poly fill) away when dirty, rinse in bucket of water from your water change. To save money on buying new fiilter cartridges cut a x on the blue pad and remove carbon. Use until the blue pad is falling apart. Also rinse in water from tank water. :)
You could use polyfill as ocean suggested, but they can aslo be used for media like carbon, Phoszorb, etc. There should be two slots on each side of the filter. The rear one would be for their cartriges (blue side to the back) and the front one for the media cartridge.
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