Endlers and Least Killies

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 26, 2013
I have a ton of N-Class, no guppy genes, Endlers and Least Killies ready for new homes. I don't want to ship and I am located in the St. Louis MO area. If you're interested now is the time to jump in as I'm letting them go cheap. The Endlers include Black Bar, Orchard and Flame types. I have a lesser quality Chilli type available if you want a project. I will let the Endlers go in any assortment of male, female you wish. The Least Killies are neat little fish and don't interbreed with other livebearers. Niether type eat fry, so get five females of one or the other and fill a 20L in less than a year. I'll try to post photos this weekend.
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