Entire batch crooked spines

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 18, 2012
Eagan, Minnesota
Is it common for an entire batch to have crooked spines? According to genetics I would have thought that only a half to three quarters at most would have spine deformities since neither the father nor the mother had any noticeable deformities. Only one was really bad but I still hope to breed straight guppies so I am kind of at a loss.

I have an earlier batch in which only 1 of the 4 has crooked spines but this batch is 10 or 11and all seem odd.
what kind of fish? i know inbreeding can cause spinal deformities... could that be it?
Usually when an entire spawn is deformed, it comes from either disease, nutrition or water quality problems. Make sure you have good water parameters and a balanced diet for the fish during the next pregnancy. If you do and still have the same problem, you will need to address genetics and disease.

Hope this helps...
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