Eshopps PSK-75 in-sump skimmer review

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 6, 2013
In a house
Thinking of getting this for my 55g reef but I've read very conflicting accounts in this, so if this a decent one or should I keep looking,

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I have the 150 which is similar.
Seems like a decent unit for price.
They are hard to adjust without putting mark on outlet(you know I mentioned this).
Make sure your sump will stay deep enough to keep pump(powerhead) submerged.
Can't remember if I had to add my own air control valve to air inlet or not.
Mine pulls decent crap out and is on a 29g with low load and little feedings.
Big con to me is no built in drain hole in collection cup so manual dumping has to happen.I could DIY but not really a big enough deal to me.
I didn't read reviews,what were some of the complaints?
There were a couple, usually on it being very finicky or by producing foam or producing very little, but other then that it seems like a decent skimmer, just wanted some second opinions but I think this is the one I'll settle on as those issues seemed easily solved, an i will prob mod it a bit. I read that running a separate airline an wooded diffuser threw it really incresed the slime collected

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If you have to add an airstone to it to make it work, it's not worth it. It's not a decent skimmer if it doesn't produce foam.
Both of my psk150's work great and pull a lot of stuff out of the tank. I have never had to use an airstone either, works fine without one. I liked the skimmer so much I ended up getting an additional one for another tank. :) For the price it can't be beat. If you have more money there are of course better skimmers, but for what they cost they are perfectly fine.
Awesome, that's great. My budget for my skimmer is only 150$ so can't really splurge on it. So glad to hear that there good quality, now to track down some Memorial Day coupons for this

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I never added air to my eshops.
Carey said it .:flowers:
Another in the price range;:cool:
SCA-302 180 gallon Protein Skimmer
There are better for more money,but not everyone wants an MTC HSA 1000!:facepalm:
My favorite skimmer so far!:whistle:
For real!:dance:
On my 120(y)(y)(y)

:nono: The shame of it all!:nono:
If this is your first skimmer I think you will value it and learn from either.
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