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Yeah, I thought about a croaking gourami. They are really neat. I am trying to get my things from as few places as possible though to cut down on shipping costs, so thats why I am thinking about sparklers instead.
absolutangel04 said:
Yeah, I thought about a croaking gourami. They are really neat. I am trying to get my things from as few places as possible though to cut down on shipping costs, so thats why I am thinking about sparklers instead.

Yaaa I can't get any around where I'm at. Lfs don't have them. And I'm not so big w/ buying from online. Wanna see before I buy
I also *might* have access to some sparkling gouramis as well (from the LFS that I've been helping, haven't been there in a few weeks but I stocked several last month), so if you want to try to put an order together let me know.
Just so you all know, I am pretty set on getting habrosus corys and more embers. I am really leaning towards clown killis for a second school. I haven't decided if I want to do a centerpiece fish or not. A scarlet badi or 2 is an option. I have ruled out the sparkling gourami for now.
I may still ditch the clown killis and get pygmy sunfish though, but I am not sure if the habrosus corys would bother them or not.
I was heavily considering Asian stone catfish, but I have gotten mixed reviews from people as their hardiness. So, I think I am back to habrosus cories. I am also thinking about Norman's lampeye killifish instead of clowns.
absolutangel04 said:
I was heavily considering Asian stone catfish, but I have gotten mixed reviews from people as their hardiness. So, I think I am back to habrosus cories. I am also thinking about Norman's lampeye killifish instead of clowns.

Try bamboo shrimp? Ive always wanted to see someone pull this off lol
Jennie L said:
I have a five gallon planted tank, are four neon Tetras too many for my tank? It runs on an aquaclear 20, w/ plants and cave rocks 5 sm cave rocks... T.U. JJ

Yeah that's probably pushing it they do enjoy lots of horizontal swimming space then again depends on their personality I have some that swim non stop others that would rather hang out around plants
Yep, that's what mine like to do too. Hang around the plants till feeding time, or begging time. Lol... Thank you so much for your advise. I greatly appreciate it! I love my new hobby, haven't lost a fish...yet. Newbie still needs to do as much research as possible! T.U. Again!
Try bamboo shrimp? Ive always wanted to see someone pull this off lol
I think she's already stocked the tank, but bamboo shrimp really don't belong in a 10 gal IMO. Filter feeding inverts need larger well established tanks, preferably heavily planted with strong flow from the filter (too strong for her nano fish).
I have a five gallon planted tank, are four neon Tetras too many for my tank? It runs on an aquaclear 20, w/ plants and cave rocks 5 sm cave rocks... T.U. JJ
I would consider 10 gals the bare minimum for neons. Embers would be a better fit.
siva said:
I think she's already stocked the tank, but bamboo shrimp really don't belong in a 10 gal IMO. Filter feeding inverts need larger well established tanks, preferably heavily planted with strong flow from the filter (too strong for her nano fish).

I would consider 10 gals the bare minimum for neons. Embers would be a better fit.

What if it's a 10 just for shrimp I got two empty 25s I gotta clean up put all the fish in those and leave the 10 as a shrimp tank?
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