featherfin still has white spots - what to do?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 17, 2009
SW Ohio
A few weeks ago my boyfriend noticed white spots around the mouth of his featherfin cat. Posted pictures and most of the responses agreed that it was probably ich. So we added a very small amount of aquarium salt to the tank and cranked up the heat (heater on full blast, the water temp stays around 86). Unfortunately, the little guy still has the white spots around his mouth so we're starting to doubt that it's ich. His interest in food wasn't very consistent before this but it doesn't seem to have changed much, and he doesn't act unusually lethargic or agitated. Also, none of the other fish have developed these white spots and there has been no other illness in this tank for over 8 months.

The only changes made to the tank in the last two months were the addition of a small powerhead and two bleheri plants from my tank, which hasn't seen any kind of problem like this. Water parameters are good (ammonia & nitrite = 0, nitrate = 20+) and the tank has sand substrate. Since noticing the white spots, he's stepped up the water changes.

So, any ideas on what this is? Neither of us have a clue, but because none of the other fish have the spots and those on the featherfin don't seem to have improved or worsened, it doesn't seem like ich.
I treated my syno with the heat treatment after I gave him to a friend. We adjusted the heat by a degree or two a day until we got the temp at 86F and kept it there for two weeks after we saw the last white spot. Never had a problem since then and he is doing great. How long did you leave the temp at 86F?

I have never used salt to treat ich, ever. I have treated one case in my own tank and countless cases in my friends tanks (they don't trust me when I tell them they need a QT).

There wouldn't be a chance that it is some sand on his nose? I thought one of my kuhli loaches had Ich but as soon as he swam around I saw the sand fall off of him. It may sound dumb but you never know! :)

I was reading an article the other day about Ich, seems like they discovered two new species of bacteria in Ich. They are hoping that they will be able to create a new treatment method with this new information. Hopefully we'll see some new products hitting the market in the next few years.

Here's a link to the article:
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My boyfriend turned the temps up pretty gradually and the water temp has been around 86 for the past 8-9 days.

As for the sand, not dumb at all as we'd been considering that possibility (though I guess that doesn't necessarily make it not dumb). That's happened before, usually after digging for food, but he quickly shakes it all off. Had a bit stuck on him earlier and you could tell a difference in texture. For this to have lasted nearly two weeks, it has to be something pretty well embedded.

Also, thanks for the link!
+1 for the new strains....I have heard the same thing. Maybe it's fungus?

Hadn't thought of that. Is there any way to tell whether it is a fungus? Would explain why none of the other fish have gotten it.
If your fish had a wound, he could get fungus and the other fish would not have it. But I am not 100% sure about that diagnosis. My fish looked like they had melted fins when they had a fungus.
Are you sure it's ich? I ask this because I thought the same thing about my upetrus cat and as it turns out, the spots seem to be part of the fish. They are only on its head and up towards it's top fin and it looks like some one sprinkled him with powder more so than salt.
No, like I said in the first post I'm doubtful that it is ich which I why I'm looking at other possibilities. Did the spots on your cat just suddenly appear or did he have them when you bought them? Mikey has some of the normal species-type spotting on him, little navy blue blotches.
I guess for lack of a better description, the spots kinda look like little whiteheads or zits, or that someone has injected a few large grains of sand randomly all over his little head. Think the zits thing is the most accurate description but the sand is more tasteful;)
His kinda just popped up. I don't know if I just looked at him that closely one day and saw them, or if they actually just appeared one day. There is a website that shows pictures of how they change as they mature, I'm gonna see if I can find it.
Wow, I wouldn't have described it the same way you did but pictures 10 and 17 show the same kind of spots Mikey developed. Do the spots on yours ever disappear and come back or do they just stay there?
Wowzers! I just checked out those pics, and to me they look like the ones Mikey has! I think she hit it right on the head with what the deal is. YAYY!
Yes, mine did disappear, but they came back.

I reccomend just keeping an eye on him for now and as long as hes eating and the other fish are ok I'd just monitor him.
Planning on keeping the temps up for a few more days, then gradually working them back down to 76 or so. Do have a tiger barb that seems sick (not eating and today noticed he looks like he's loosing color) but other than that, all seems fine. Will likely be a new thread about the barb coming to a forum near you. . .

Do you ever notice any changes in behavior or eating while yours has these little spots?
Nah, he seems the same. his personality is either to be a butt to the other fish, or to mind his own buisness, I guess depending on his mood..lol. His spots seem to be here to stay now.
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