Feeding Convict Fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 19, 2011
Hello all,

I have my first batch of convict fry swimming in my tank. I've put in a plexiglass divider so they're safe from the other cichlids in my tank. I have a 125 gallon, so the fry, mom, and pop have about 1/3 of the tank to themselves. My question is when should I begin feeding them. They've been free swimming for about three days, but I can't tell if they're eating. Mom and dad go up and snatch food, but I'm not sure of whether they are giving the food to the kiddies. I'm including a video, so you can see that there are a lot of mouths to feed. Should I begin feeding them crushed goldfish flakes or just wait a little longer? Thanks for any advice you can give.

Pictures by lauriecann - Photobucket
feed mom and dad cichlid flakes - they will crush these up and feed them to the fry. Some java moss in the tank works wonders as the fry will eat all kinds of micro-organisms off of it. You could feed them newly hatched brine shrimp for a while - but this gets to be a pain. I have always had excellent results crushing up cichlid flakes near the fry in the water (make sure you have no soap or anything else on your hands - and be prepared for mom and dad to attack you like mad!). You can even soak and crush up floating cichlid pellets with good results. convicts eat readily.
Parents just eat flakes or what their babies are eating. Ive found that crushing up cichlid flakes, spirulina pellets, an frozen baby brine shrimp into a paste then mixing it with tank water and putting it into a turkey baster works really well to feed the fry as they usually don't swim near the surface. :)
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