feeding frogs

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 14, 2002
Lawrenceville, GA
I have a question for those of you with dwarf African frogs...How do you feed them and what do you feed them? Mine rarely comes to the surface and if he does it's just for a split second and then back to the bottom. I've had him for a few months now and he's doing fine I guess. I feed him sinking goldfish granules but I end up having to drop like 3 or 4 fingers full of them to get them over in his direction and even then it's hard for him to reach them if they fall between the gravel. I guess he scavenges around during the day and finds food but I was wondering if there was a better method or food. My ammonia is constantly high because I end up overfeeding every time.
Hi swmmnglessons,
Did some research for you, check out these links...
Frozen blood worms will keep them going but live foods put them into a feeding frenzy. They love worms small enough to swallow, brine shrimp, and anything that wiggles including baby fish so avoid having them in a tank where you expect to have fry. They are cannibalistic so very small ones can be eaten by mature adults. Even their own skin may eaten after it is shed.
These frogs are totally aquatic and don't need to get out of the water, but they do need to eat live food several times a week. Live Black Worms are a good food for them.
Dwarf frogs will also eat frozen (or live) bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. While some people report them eating fish food flakes, others say that happens rarely. In tanks with fish, the frogs can be given sinking fish foods to eat. Some may nibble algae- and plant-based foods, more luck might be had with meat-based sinking foods like shrimp pellets.

I hope this helps.
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