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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 2, 2013
I need some help on feeding my Bloodfins, what happens is because they are mid water feeders food just seems to go straight pass them to the bottom where the other fish will eat it, when I feed frozen bloodworm I can hold it with my tweezers to make sure they get some but any other food like granules, flakes or pellets I can't, any suggestions?
You could get a surface And place the food on there and they can pick it off there, also what I do is turn my main filter off so that the surface or the water is still, let the fish see the food, then put it in, when they see it they will be ready for it.
Thanks for reply, I must admit I do turn filter off, some of the food does lay on the grassy plant I have but they seem really dim (poor things) the granules I feed don't float they go straight down I tried pellets and flakes but they don't seem to like them and I always syphoning them off the bottom the next day. Is there a tropical food that floats before it sinks?
Some flakes do, they float and then when the soak up water they sink.
I will ask in the aquarium shop that I go to next time I visit. Thanks for your help
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