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Ram lami

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 19, 2015
I have kept top layer substrate as golden sand.But for planted tanks sand only doesn't work well so suggest me what tyoes of soil or Fert to keep under sand so that plant flourish.

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Organic potting soil works good. Just make sure you keep up with water changes. Nutrients tend to leach up in the water column and fuel algae bloom.

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I cant find organic soil in any aquarium shop here in Nepal,where can i find it; any clue !!

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If you have access to Amazon there is plenty of planted substrates on there you can buy in 20 pound bags.

Just a few:

Eco complete


Aqua soil

I use sand only and my plants do well. You just have to supplement with root tabs which you can either buy or make yourself. Search for DIY root tabs, there's a thread on here called Mebbid's DIY osmocote root tabs or something, I followed that and have had great results.

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Potting soil you can find anywhere they sell flowers or gardening stuff. I have both a dirted tank and a sand only tank. You have to dose nutrients in sand only tank.

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Roots tabs aren't available here and also most of the aquarium shop hav suffered badly due to earthquake, i have to look for DIY

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