Fin rot?? Betta Fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 21, 2011
Does my betta fish have fin rot?

I can see the pic. The bottom two fins look okay. Is it the brown on the top fin you're worried about?

Edit: It also appears that your betta is in a bowl which could be contributing to poor health. If you can upgrade him to a 5 gallon and cycle the tank, that would be ideal.
I can see the pic. The bottom two fins look okay. Is it the brown on the top fin you're worried about?

Edit: It also appears that your betta is in a bowl which could be contributing to poor health. If you can upgrade him to a 5 gallon and cycle the tank, that would be ideal.

I am going too.. Very soon!! And yes the top fin...
It's great to hear you'll be upgrading soon! Now for the fin rot... it's really hard to tell in that picture. To me it just looks like a different coloration, but are the edges frayed? Are the fins getting shorter? Is there any white fuzzy stuff on the edges?
Well, from the picture it's hard to tell, but is it brown or more of a maroon color? How long have you had it? And has it changed to this color or did it start out with it?
Its brown.. I have had him for a couple of months.. I'm not sure if i got him that way or not..
If it's brown, it could be fin rot. I'd say the best thing to do for now is daily 25 or 50% water changes. Have you been doing water changes in your bowl?
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