Fin rot.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 13, 2011
I have a guppy who I think has fin there anything that will for sure cure it?
What size tank and what are the tank mates? Is the tank cycled? Do you know the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels? What is your water change schedule?

Fin rot is usually caused by unhealthy water, so I'd start there and make sure your water is healthy. How severe is the fin rot?

I'd start with a 50% water change with a good dechlorinator. If the fin rot isn't too bad and not infected daily water changes should help it heal on its own. If it's severe or/and shows signs of infection then perhaps an anti-bacterial med would help (you may want to QT the sick fish though rather than treat the whole tank).
Hopey22 said:
I have a guppy who I think has fin there anything that will for sure cure it?

Fin rot caused by pseudomonas bacteria will generally take on a more ragged edge while the fungal form will deteriorate more evenly. I agree the water quality is the most important thing, though if you wait too long you may not be able to heal the infection at all. If you decide to medicate, I would suggest Triple Sulfa, or Malachite Green. Unless, you have a little money laying around on which case it can be handy to have some 'waterlife' Protozin or Myxazin on hand for other problems you might run into.
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