Final plumbing plans for basement sump

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 8, 2003
Indiana USA
The move will be this weekend and I am dreading the plumbing setup for this.

My plan is to use my current bulkheads whick have barb fittings already glued in. Drain is 1" and return is 3/4". I will use my current vinyl tubing to stick through the floor and then connect that to hard pipe to the sump and pump.

I found a Mak-4 pump locally for cheap so I am going to try it first but I think I will get a Panworld 200 when I get more money and my prop tank ready. Since the Panworld has 1" inlet and outlet, I plan to use 1" PVC up to the 3/4" line coming from the tank. Since I am running 1" for the return, do I need to run bigger for the drain, like 1.25 or 1.5"?

Sump will be a 100 gal stock tank with a rubbermaid in one side for the fuge and all the other equipment on the opposite side. I figure to run anywhere from 30-40 gal in the sump/fuge.

More plumbing thoughts:
I think I will 'T' off the drain and supply a smaller line to the fuge. I will need to have some sort of baffle but I will figure out something. I think I will mave the main drain line dump into a bucket with holes drilled in the sides. I have read this works good as a simple baffle.

My sump will be right under the tank so I think I will try and use normal PVC vs. flex. I will add a prop tank later on and 'T' off the return for it.

Does this sound like it will work? It is a little more involved than I am used to :)

As to the baffle for the drain line, I used a tub from crystal light drink mix. It is appx 10 inches tall by 3 inches round. We had the drain line run straight to almost the bottom of this tub and then the water overflows it into the sump/fuge. This also cuts down on bubbles,noise and current.
Thanks. It is the simple ideas that are the best. :D

The plumbing is my biggest concern though.
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