First 150 gallon build!!!

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
It's almost a month old! Hah and yeah as far as I know everyone else is okay. I'm stil stuck workin in Louisiana so my gf has had to take care of it while I'm gone.
Well last time I left when I got back there was algae everywhere and my sunshine was missing an eye. Lol but she tries and that's what matters. I give her tons of credit anyways.
Not there is no way that was her fault. She could have turned the lights out though. Haha it was a learning experience for her though. She tries and that's what matters. And she just got a diamond ring so she should be plenty happy
Also I'm thinking about adding some loaches. Anyone have any suggestions as to which would be my best choice? My featherfin doesn't do a great job cleaning up. But I still love him.
Bully405Customz said:
Also I'm thinking about adding some loaches. Anyone have any suggestions as to which would be my best choice? My featherfin doesn't do a great job cleaning up. But I still love him.

Maybe clown loaches? They get pretty big & your cichlids might not pick on them
I'm excited to get home and add some new fishes. Probably add 3 more Moorii and my lfs just got in some amazing strawberry peacocks. I have to have one. Maybe a zebra pleco too. We'll see. :)
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