First Fish, am i doing it right?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 7, 2012
Ok, so on impulse I decided to buy my first fish, a Black Moor, while strolling around in walmart. I expected him to be fairly cheap and very low maintenance but as soon as I got home I began my research.

I bought Sputnik (my black moor :) a live plant and some ornaments with no real sharp edges as I came to learn that it can be hazardous for his big eyes. He's currently in a 5 gallon tank, with a whisper hang on back filter. Yes, I now understand I need to invest in a bigger tank for his health, but I will need to wait 2-3 weeks before I can do so. I plan to get at least a 20-30 gallon.

I started only feeding him goldfish flakes, but realized I need to start giving him some veggies, so after a couple days, I began giving him some peas and zucchinis. I feed him a 2-3 pinches of flakes a day, and maybe 2-3 flake sized zucchinis. As well as 1-2 pea guts every few days. Am I feeding him too much? or too little?

I understand that my tank needs to cycle in order for all the ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels to equalize so my fish tank can become stable. It has been four days since I introduced him into my tank. I have used the dechloramate and dechlorinator that came with my tank. Here is my current reading according to my test kit, 4 days in.

Ammonia = around 0.25
pH = 7.0
Alkalinity = over 180 but considerable smaller than 300...
Hardness = below 25ish
Nitrite = light grey, not on color chart so unreadable i think
Nitrate = dark grey, also not on color chart.
Temp = 72 degrees F
I have done one 25% water change.

I'm growing really attached to this fish and I want to make sure everything is alright for him. So I just want to check if I am doing anything wrong or what I can do to make him live long and healthily.

He likes to swim and check everything, always searching for food it looks like. He eats bubbles at the top and spits em out, but spends just as much time scavenging the bottom. He was pretty black when I first got him, but within four days he seems to have gotten a shade of gold. Also has a silver bottom, not sure if that's normal. He is only about 2".
Also, my water level is about 2" from the top, and the water filter falls on top, but it doesn't create bubbles or ripples or anything, just constantly and quietly cycling. I'm concerned about his oxygen levels. Again, this is a 5 gallon tank which is 10" x 8.5" x 16" - I will get a 20-30 gallon probably after Christmas.

-How often should I be doing water changes?
-Am I feeding him too little?
-Does his sudden color change mean anything?
-Is he getting enough oxygen?
-Will he be ok to wait a few weeks before he gets a bigger tank?
-Will I have to go through this 4-6 cycle again if I transfer everything into the larger tank?
-What else can I/should I do or am I just worrying too much?

Any advice or suggestions would be great!!!
thank youusss
Oh and my name is David, I am 23 years young currently attending college for civil engineering. Hello Aquarium Advice!

Funny Story: After purchasing my fish, Sputnik, I had to go back to walmart to exchange this game I got to return. Well it turns out, this walmart was located at a "Goldfish Drive". I think it was destiny lol.
Welcome to the hobby and hoping you will have many positive experiences. I suggest that you find a container to age your water in. It can be something as simple as a 10 gallon trash can with a lid. This will allow your water to out gas and reduce / remove chlorine and chloramines. Next is an old trick that you can do with a 1 gallon milk jug. Make sure it is clean (of course) and add filter floss to cover the bottom of the inside (about 1-2 inches). Next add activated charcoal (2-3 inches) and another layer of floss (1-2 inches) over that (floss, carbon, floss). Poke a small hole in the bottom of the jug and insert an air tube. Pour your aged water through the top of the jug and let it run out the bottom through the piece of air tubing into your fish bowl. Why do this? You have clean water and no need for chemical additives to remove chlorine and other stuff. Accumulated chemicals will harm your fish over time. This will also save you tons of money. You should do 20% water changes each day or 1 gallon. Just make sure to temperature match your water to prevent Ich. Feed lightly to avoid ammonia spikes. I would remove decorations until the small tank cycles. Decorations are notorious for trapping food and fish waste. If you are using a HOB or bubbler, your O2 levels are fine. As your tank is so small, your chief concern should be with ammonia, which is toxic to fish. Don't worry too much about cycling...your WATER CHANGES are the MOST IMPORTANT THING! Good luck....Dwayne

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