First planted: My 75g Journey

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Updated tank shot. Added some jungle vals, pearl weed ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1426200851.564368.jpg
And some anarchis

Also tightened up the Rotala more towards the front to accommodate the new plants.


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Guessing this is a new Rotala coming in???? :)

Update of my other plants.
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Really looking good. New growth is a positive sign ?

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Picked up another batch of Staurogyne Repens, and got some telanthera cardinalis along with pogostemon helferi. Planting tonight.


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Side note: tank divider for my 10 gallon maybe crowntail Betta? Using fake plants to break line of sight. It's a net divider so there is still a cumulative amount of 10 gallons for both of them


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UPDATED! Hooray!

Newest additions.
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Spent my whole afternoon with my arms in there working with plants and toothpicks lol. Scrubbed some algae off. Someone recommended spot shooting hydrogen peroxide.

Oh and I don't remember if I posted it but a few days ago I got a NEW pictus :) loved these guys before but only 1 this time.
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Came home to my Senegal Bichir floating on top. Barely alive. Am currently doing the painless route of putting him to sleep in the freezer.

My problem was I NEVER ONCE saw him physically eat anything. I tried every food in the book recommended for them and nothing seemed to work. I've heard they can be picky and fast for a while but he would just not accept ANYTHING. I don't think I'll be getting another because of this.


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Came home to my Senegal Bichir floating on top. Barely alive. Am currently doing the painless route of putting him to sleep in the freezer.

My problem was I NEVER ONCE saw him physically eat anything. I tried every food in the book recommended for them and nothing seemed to work. I've heard they can be picky and fast for a while but he would just not accept ANYTHING. I don't think I'll be getting another because of this.


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Mine is a complete horse when it comes to eating sorry for your loss....

Rockyofhockey _/.\_
Mine is a complete horse when it comes to eating sorry for your loss....

Rockyofhockey _/.\_

He always hung out in the water lettuce up top anyway. Need new ideas now lol something that won't be eaten by a ropefish.


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Cutest fish will see all day. New BABY DOJO!! he's so little it's adorable ?

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I like him. Gonna get rid of my yellow labs and would some yellow back in the tank.

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Went to the LFS this afternoon and saw the unimaginable. I've been looking to try to have some Rainbowfish for quite some time, without paying for them online. I'll admit, they are from PetSmart. It's the only LFS not more that 30 mins from me. They have had the tag for them but I have NEVER seen any in there. I was in shock. I have 4 of them currently acclimating and hopefully I can find 1-2 more to complete the school.


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I use to have them! Awesome fish when breeding. The colors on the males nose and head will flicker and change color right before your eyes. Really cool.
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