Fish compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 11, 2020
Hello. I have a 45 gallon tank tank with 2 clown loaches, 5 cardinal tetras, 2 swordtails, 2 corys, 6 zebra danios, 2 pearl gouramis and 2 gold gouramis and all fish are compatible. None have reached adult size and will move to a larger tank later. I would like to add 1-2 yellow cichlids, 1-2 angels and a severum. Any advice on compatibility to my existing fishes? Thanks.
I'd skip the cichlids and severum - they will eat your cardinals, probably. Why do you say 1-2 of each fish? Most all fish are much happier with others of their own kind, so get at least a pair. Get two or three small angelfish; they are less likely to be nippy if they have each other.
I'll leave the cichlid questions to the cichlid experts on here but the Cories should definitely be in a group of 6 not just 2
Clown Loaches get huge. Angelfish will eat anything small enough to fit in their mouths, and they reach about 6". Severum, I don't know much about, but they get fair sized as well, and they're mean, aggressive predatory mean. The yellow ones, I'm assuming you're talking about Yellow Labs? They're Mbuna, but they'll also eat insect larva and crustations, so I'd assume that they'd eat anything that they can catch. Mbuna are hard water fish, everything else on your list is more soft water. I'd recommend smaller cichlids instead, like Rams, Apistogramma, or Kribensis with your current stock. They tend to stick to the bottom, and only get about 4"-6", the male Kribensis being the largest of them.
Noted. Thanks.

Loaches will be moved out once they get too big.
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