Fish doin very well!...except 3.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 22, 2011
I just got my tank fully stocked on Friday and all of my little fish look GREAT.

They are all very active, happy, and get along really well.
(My GBR actually rarely hides in his little cave. He's usually out swimming around with the cories or the angel)

However, I've had 2 Albino pleco and 1 albino Cory go COMPLETELY MISSING.

I got worried after a full week of not seeing them so I took all of the driftwood out, my rock formation, and a couple other little decorations and swept the sand completely. I didn't find any of them.

I have one piece of hollow plastic that they could be in, but I checked it completely with a flashlight.

There is nothing outside of the tank so I know none of them jumped out.

I have 2 algae rocks that I rotate in and out of a small 1gal tank in a window so they bloom with algae (as I don't have any algae in my tank to begin with) for the pleco to feed on.

I know that Pleco are nocturnal so I may not see them, but I was wondering do both of those species typically bury themselves in sand?

I have 4 other cory 1 more albino and 3 Sterbai and they are all happy little buggers.

I'm a sad panda =[
What size is this tank?

You purchased all your stock at once? How did you cycle the tank?

If the fish died, other fish would naturally consume them to keep control over the bacteria in the tank. You wouldn't necessarily find any remains.
I cycled fish-less until the tank could cycle 4 ppm of ammonia to nitrates in less than 24 hours.

The tank is a 40g long.

Edit: The pleco were BN and about 2"
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