Fish for 10g heavily planted tank

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Most tetra neon tetras etc. dwarf gourami I don't know about the plants sorry. ): swordtails
Most swordtails that I know of grow to 4" & minimum tank requirement is 20-30 gallon. I would avoid the in this tank I think.

I have a 15 gallon column heavily planted tank & I have 2 Dario Dario (awesome little fish & very colorful but can be shy). 4 ember tetra, 7 mosquito rasboras, 4 Nannostomus marginatus (dwarf pencil fish), assorted shrimp (red fire, yellow fire, Rili, red & black crystal).

I tend to hover around the over stock line, possibly stand right on it. I do not suggest heavily stocking tanks unless you are willing to do ALL the extra work involved. I run a much higher grade filter, do extra water changes, & water test more often. I also have a 55 gallon community tank that I can transfer any extra fish/shrimp that I end up with.

Plants..... Well I think I have 12 or 13 different kinds in the 15g with Fluval shrimp substrate & I believe I have 22 different kinds in my 55g with standard gravel. But I don't have any experience with sand. I'm just not sure there.
Thanks, tetras sound good, maybe some guppies to. I hear that anything in gravel can work in sand. I was thinking a amazon sword and some glosso. Maybe some rainbow fish too.
Swords, except for the smaller chain swords grow too large for a 10g. A crypt Wendtii will have the same basic shape and will grow to a nice size and will work in a 10g. They also are low light tolerant so a good choice. They will need root tabs as they are heavy feeders and sand is inert.

The only cories suitable for a 10g are the dwarf or pygmy cories which you could do up to 5. The rainbowfish you suggested both need larger tanks as they are very active fish. I keep Threadfin rainbows in my 220g. The Spotted Blue-eyes are much better for a 10g. Also instead of guppies I would suggest Endlers. I would also get all males so you don't have a fry issue in such a small tank. Any of the nano fish Try-na suggested are good choices.
I think I will eventually get 1 Bolivian ram, and 5 flame tetras. What fish should I start the cycle with?
I am beginning to sound like a broken record because I have a crush on Celestial Pearl Danios. But for a heavily planted 10G, about 8 Celestial Pearl Danios would look awesome! Along with 3 Pygmy Cories for prunning the leaves of your plants.
Why no for a Bolivian ram? If not that, what about some other dwarf cichlids, like apistos?

The key I usually refer to is if the fish has any ties to a cichlid, the rule of thumb is at least a 20+ gallon tank. And even then, you'd only be able to keep 2-3... If you like that cichlid look, then look for a dario dario. They look kinda like cichlids.
Any ideas for a heavily planted 10g tank with a sand substrate?

You can get 3-4 albino Cory catfish they are awesome bottom feeder fish to watch that will get your tank clean and only get 3 inches :) you could also get some shrimp that you like
Here are some possibilities for fish:

Blue eye rainbows
Pygmy Cory's
Flame tetras
Cardinal tetras

For plants:

Star grass
Java fern
Banana lily/plant
Chain swords
You can get 1 or 2 dwarf puffer fish they are the only fresh water puffer , if you get 2 ten gallons is perfect because they need 5 gallons each , but they can be territorial so your tank should be fine because it will be a heavily planted tank , but don't put any other types of fish with them they will ripe them to shreads , do a lot of reasesrch if your thinking of getting a dwarf puffer though , check your LFS ( local fish store ) or order them online the prices for them are around $2.00-$5.00


This is what they look like , I think this one is a

This is a good website about them
You can get 1 or 2 dwarf puffer fish they are the only fresh water puffer , if you get 2 ten gallons is perfect because they need 5 gallons each , but they can be territorial so your tank should be fine because it will be a heavily planted tank , but don't put any other types of fish with them they will ripe them to shreads , do a lot of reasesrch if your thinking of getting a dwarf puffer though , check your LFS ( local fish store ) or order them online the prices for them are around $2.00-$5.00

This is what they look like , I think this one is a

This is a good website about them

Good idea, thx. But are they brackish? I don't really want aggressive, but maybe I'll get those,

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