Fish for my 5 gallon

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I've had dwarf puffers for a little over a year now and yes, they are definitely more difficult than bettas, but I feel that people exaggerate how difficult they are. The big issue is that they get bored easily, so providing them with an interesting environment is important. Give them some caves and lots of plants, they love a sort of "wild" aquascape. You might find it hard to stuff something like that into a 5gal, but as long as you give them some good hiding spots and things to explore, you'll have happy puffers.

They all have unique personalities, but they're also aggressive, males moreso than females. My female DP is one of the more shy fish I keep. The shame about keeping them singularly is that you don't get to see them interact with each other, which is really a treat. They'll buzz around the tank like a little pair of blimps and try to beat each other to a snack or curl up against each other in a dwarf puffer hug. Really cute fish, no doubt. :)

The great thing about dwarf puffers is that you never have to trim their teeth like you would have to with most other puffer species. The "special" diet that they have is just bloodworms with the occasional snail as a treat. This is where most folks mess up, however. Because of their nature, DPs are messy eaters, so water changes are VERY important. A cleanup crew of shrimp can help, just be sure your DP doesn't eat shrimp by testing with some ghost shrimp.

That's what I've found, anyway. :) Good luck on your decision!

EDIT: Oh and as for being similar to goldfish... The only similarity I can think of is that dwarf puffers are messy too. DPs and Bettas both should have a heater and are much more... Intelligent? Dunno if fish intelligence is the right word... Ah, well DPs and Bettas are way more expressive than goldfish.
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Money isn't a terrible issue here. I am more than willing to spend some money on my fish! (I was just pinched for cash when thrown the goldfish.) I was just curious what I could do with my 5 gallon tho. I dont want it to go to waste. If nothing else I could just keep it as a sick treatment tank later. But id really like to start a new tank prolly. :) I'll just have to keep looking around. I know there's one store in town that DO have pufferfish, but i dont remember what kind, so I'll have to check that out. But if nothing else I'll check out the bettas!! Cuz they are rather pretty :)) Thanx for all the suggestions tho! I'll have to check out the stores around town for some of those i've never heard of!

While there may be disagreement on what type of fish would be best for a five gal- I think everyone would agree that the bigger your tank, the more choices you have. You've expressed interest in getting something larger...have you tried your local Craigslist? I just bought a 20 gal tank complete with a brand new stand, substrate, filter, heater, and light for $70 a few weeks ago through my local Craigslist. As to what to do with the's never a bad idea to have a backup tank for emergencies.
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Or try Goodwill for a bigger tank! I saw tons of 10-30g tabks yesterday on my trip. And betta fish can be extremely personable. My male was so awful when I originally saw him in his cup, but once he got used to his current setup, he flips out when I walk in the room and lots of other cute things. Gotta say he is my favorite.
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ha oh yeah that reminds me of another question, do bettas really jump a lot?

Thanx LemurLad for all the DP Advice!!! That helped a lot!! They sound so fun and interesting!! I'm excited to start my search for one.

I really will get a bigger tank once i get the space for it. I'm living with my parents at the moment, so all I have is a room. I mean Im sure i could prolly get a 10 or 14 in there but.. at the moment my 5 is all I own. I def will check out craigslist tho for my future purchases! Cuz i would like to have a tank for sick fish anyways..

I plan this weekend to go to the other 2 pet stores in town! I went to Petsmart and Petco last weekend. I like Petsmart (but they dont have the DP).. I have a bad feeling about Petco. The only plus for Petco is their aquariums are cheaper. But some of their fish were dying and dead so.. thats no good. Im gonna check out Bill's Pet store cuz i know they have the DP! And i'm also gonna check the other little shop, Pet Warehouse, because I know they get new fish every week, and they take really good care of everything in there.

I'm so excited to learn about all my options tho! You've all helped out tremendously!!
Fort 384 glad your fish are healthy and we have all got our own opinions and ocasionally our own problems otherwise there would be no point in a forum. Peace ... Tropical boy.. No harm meant
I vote for bettas, I love mine to pieces!
When you see them in a bowl, they are sometimes sick, but usually just sad. :( Imagine living in your bathroom for weeks/months. I don't think it would be very fun.
They might still be a little frightened after you bring them home, but they get better after 3 days to a week. :)
That's how my goldfish were. But if I was living the fair life, I'd be terrified too. But they were lively and happier than ever within a few days!! :) Exploring and getting to know me.. it was so much fun. I sure do miss them.

I will probably be going to a store tonight, and I'll have to check out the bettas for sure. As I said, theres only one store in town I remember having pufferfish and I'm not 100% their dwarf so.. that might make up my decision right there!!

So Darby, how did you pick out your betta? There's so many to choose from, and how do you know it's a healthy one?
My first betta I picked because when I put my finger next to the bowl, he tried attacking LOL. He is Mr. Feisty for sure!
The second one I got because he was super pretty, he was spendy though.
The second and third ones I rescued from a crappy pet store. They were being fed goldfish food, and were in DIRTY water. Their dishes were so small they couldn't straighten their bodies out. :(
The only one that ever had any problems with was my feisty one, he developed ich about 2 days after I brought him home. I treated him and now he is good as new and still crazy as ever. :)

I don't think there really is any way to make sure their healthy. I do know that the PetSmart by me actually cleans their cup water though. I am a sucker for sick animals LOL.
Okay well it seems as though you plan to decide between a Betta and a Dwarf Puffer.
If you decide on the DP, just expect a little extra work. They have more picky requirements compared to the extremely hardy Betta.
I'm sure you'll do fine if you take it slow, load up on research, and are okay with that little extra effort that a DP needs compared to a Betta.

I've owned both, and I'm not sure which I prefer over the other. They are just different fish alltogether. Bettas are pretty, interactive fish, and DP are super cute little guys that are on the harder side to care for but certainly not impossible. They are fun to watch, too.

As for choosing a healthy betta, here are some things to look for:
•Clear Eyes
•Correct body alignment (their spines are often bent from being crammed in those cups :()
•No sign of illness which can include: Dropsy, (raised scales) Popeye, (protruding eye socket) Septicemia, (red veins along the body) or Ich, (white spots that resemble grains of sand).
Don't feel overwhelmed, you will notice a sick Betta when you see one. They are kept in poor conditions at stores but are hardy and you shouldn't run into much of a problem with diseases once the Betta is settles down in a healthy, clean, 5 gallon :)

Good luck and hope this helps!!
Let us know which you choose :D
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Well thanks you two! :) That helped tons! I will probably start out with a betta, even though the DP really intrigues me. I'll let you know what I choose as soon I know ha. As i said, I'm pet store touring again this weekend so I'm sure one or the other will grab my heart!! :)

Thanks again!! :D
Thanks!! I certainly will!!

Btw.. As I was looking up all of the fish everyone recommended, I ran into the Pacu.. thats HILAIRIOUS! haha you should've seen my face!! :D
Sounds good! I two want to see pictures!!
I have a cycling 5 gallon that I'll probably stock with a Betta, too!
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