Fish ID please?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 11, 2012
Red Mountain WA
Saw this guy at the store today and though he was pretty. Does anyone know what he is? Is it a pleco or an otocinclus of some sort. I'd like to be able to research it.

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The striped fish, not the yellow one.
Striped Raphael, but sometimes called talking catfish because they can make an audible sound.
Adding to this as I have one, they bury themselves deep in dark crevices and small unseen areas of the tank. You never really see them as they don't come out unless you take everything out for a cleaning. However they are very useful. They eat up all the leftover food scraps in the tank when the lights are out. Every little bit of floating waste particle making tour tank cloudy will be cleaned up. It is a nice unseen addition to a tank.
I have the spotted version, he hides mostly and acts like he is in a coma until he decides to come out when the lights are out, it seems that he will not come out for days, as sand starts to pile up on him. Two times I thought he was dead and started to remove him, he didn't even move one of the times till I had him in the net and he took off. Have had him since he was so tiny not even a 1/2 inch, now 5 inches.

When he does come out he swims around like a shark. I always put a bottom feeder pellet down next to him before I shut off the lights and go to bed, to help make sure he isn't too hungry. The Cories will eat pellets if the Raphael doesn't. Occasionally one of the Neons goes missing (every few months) never really know why, so maybe he eats one, maybe just nature.

A really funny thing they do is swell up and look like they have bloat spines stick out, so they can wedge themselves into a spot. Again I thought he was dying of Pine Cone Disease several times. Couldn't remember what kind he was so I didn't know what his little weird peculiarities were. That is the Spotted Raphael, really beautiful.
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