Fish ID please

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 17, 2013
Just took these from a friend.. Says they're super docile but just want to make sure :) thanks! ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392417476.743324.jpg
There is a male and female :)
Looking at pictures and I'm not quite sure.. The female has a pink belly if it helps..
These are kribs, I hav three, they are nice fish:)

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I believe it is an apistogramma.

Its a kribensis, comes from the african rift lakes, not south american rivers, first pic in the bag is male, grey belly indicates that. About 8 months ago i got one, female and during acclimation its belly was pink so stress doesnt cover it up.
Yea peaceful, they are fine with all of my fish and im told they breed quite easily too:)

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Its a kribensis, comes from the african rift lakes, not south american rivers, first pic in the bag is male, grey belly indicates that. About 8 months ago i got one, female and during acclimation its belly was pink so stress doesnt cover it up.

Kribs are riverine fish, not rift lake cichlids. They will die if kept in correct rift parameters. Water should be softer for them (i.e. SA).
They are peaceful unless you get a pair that decides to breed....mostly they will just chase the other fish to the opposite side of the tank as their babies. If you have cories though take caution...they just won't stay out of the kribs way and they will get hurt
I have one little problem with them, they are not aggressive at all, but they don't seem to eat my tropical flakes.. What would work ??
Try pellets or something else that will sink into the water column.
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