Fish Room Recommendations

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 10, 2017
UP, Michigan
I haven't been active on this site for a longgggg time after I got out of the hobby for the past year. However, I've recently gotten back into the hobby, someone one stop me...please. :lol:

Anyways, I've kept lots of fish in the past and loved every minute of it. I moved to a new house last summer and had to get rid of almost everything. I gave away all my tropical fish and SOLD MY TANKS, FILTERS, & LIGHTS (BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE!)

In the past, I had a small fish room (about 6 tanks, the largest being a 40g and 55g). Now that I have an opportunity to get back in the hobby I would like to start my new fish room. Right now I only have a 15g display tank that would most likely not be included in the fish room. I've been saving for a while and I'd like to construct this fish room the right way and to the highest quality.

Here are my current plans:

Racks: Looking to buy or build racking systems capable of holding 3 tanks on top of each other. Each rack will be plumbed separately with a sump underneath or to the side of the rack. I've got some ideas for how I want to plumb each tank together, but ideally all the tanks will be display tanks so I'd like to do it in the most concealed manner.

Tanks: The room is 6ft by 11ft with a door and window. I'd like to have 3 racking systems. I'm not sure if I'd rather do 29g talls of 40g breeders. 40g breeders will be much better for all fish types, but 29s offer a smaller footprint with lots of height for plants. I could build my own racks, but it be much easier to buy a quality set of matching racks (If anyone knows of any good racks please let me know, it'll help to decide which tank size to go with).

Lighting: All tanks will be lit with cheap 24" led daylight bulbs.

Heating: Heating sump water before returning to racks.

This room is designed for displaying various aquascaped tanks and growing additional plants for other aquascapes.

Any suggestions for CO2 dosing racked planted aquariums?

My past fish room included nowhere near the planning I've put into this one.
Each tank was heated and filtered separately and was just scattered around on tables and racks. That was because it was a slow process gathering tanks and equipment whereas this time around I have the ability to start from complete scratch. It's terrifying and exciting!

If you have any questions about the new fish room plans, please ask.

I'm looking for ANY recommendations or advice for my fish room.

Sidenote: I am planning to document the process of the room on Youtube for educational purposes.
For CO2 I would recommend using a reactor in the sump. You will lose CO2 in the vertical plumbing lines, distribution tray (if you use one), weirs, and any exposed air trickle style media. Submerged media would help.
Black fittings along the back wall of the tanks (that lead to the sump) should minimize their visual presence.
I like the 40b for their footprint and shallow depth (better light penetration).
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