Fish stock 58 gallon | fish jumble game.{aka bug Menagerie}

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Glad you got it straightened out. It just struck me when I saw it. That is quite a tank full. How do your kribs act towards the other fish? I want some, but am afraid of putting them in with community fish (plus I am maxed out in that tank :( ). It looks like my BW tank is going down hill and I can't find bumble bee gobies anywhere (what's the point of having a BW tank, if I can't find the fish I really want?). Maybe it's time for kribs :D
Bumble bee gobies are great. If i didn't have a 29 gal tank i wouldn't have a krib...although he would go well with a paradise gourami or just buy himself. Anyway you have bigger tanks than me :wink: I think keeping him well fed and around fish that can move pretty quick if they need to helps alot. Strangely enough the paradise gourami also seems to keep him on his toes, thus reducing his time and attention to tormenting some other members of the community.

Have you ever seen a butterfly goby? They have some at my LFS. They also have some large knight gobies. They recently sold out of bumble bees. Almost makes me want a brackish tank,lol. Who am i kidding, i want every kind of tank :mrgreen:
Ya Menagerie go for Kribs in the 29.. hehe..

Intensity the algea is always greener in the other tank..

Ok so I am in a weird mood.. Any how.. Intensity I see Goby's or Puffers in your next tank.. :)

my jumble wish list still looks like this:

main/top: Axelrodi Rainbow (Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi), Boesemani Rainbow (Melanotaenia boesemani), Ornate Rainbow (Melanotaenia splendida), guppy fry that moved over from other tank for the party...

Secondary/bottom: German Blue Ram or Badis Badis, Black Kuhlii Loach (Pangio sp.) 2 Pigmy and 1 small heard other type of Cory (juli perhaps).

Getting algea growth guess I better cut down on the feedings of the guppy/cory's that are in there otherwise my Cycle might kick in and kick me in the side of the head..

I've gotten patient about the cycle process. It probably won't cycle now that the swords are now gone..
Hey ya big moose! :lol:

Your list looks good to me. Although the German Blue Ram might give the guppies a little harrasment. With your list i think it's possible he might think hes the big dog on the block. Just some thoughts no big deal really.

Why dont you plant your tank with lots of plants, great way to speed things up cuz then you dont have as much of an ammonia threat. I've got some new pics (including a really good one of my scarlet badis). I finally caught the little dude when he had his gaurd was down. Also got an odessa barb (male) pic. This fish looks almost entirely silver and plain in LFS (and even pics on the web), but colors up nicely after about 3 weeks. They look really good under strong lighting. I feel like stinkin' Hollywood papparazzi trying to get a pic of the stars, :lach:
Just got back from Tanks--I really like that place! I got full credit on my dead Celebes and found Rubber Lip Plecos! (He has them by a different name, but I figured it out!) Since I just lost my other Butterfly loach :cry: (second and last one in a week), I wanted stronger algae eaters. I love my two plecos and I may go back tomorrow and pick up one more pleco--maybe the white spotted one :D
I highly recommend getting a small pleco for your tank, Moose. The Rubber Lip get only 4-5" and they are not fast growers.

Tanks had the same Rainbows I saw last time and the gorgeous swordtail (moved to a different tank--looked healthy). Lots of panda cories (so small and cute!). No Badis and no one he knows carries bumble bee gobies...hmmm...he did have three kribs :)
I have bacteria growth in the filter.. I am getting algea growth on the back side. I've been doing daily readings and I have 0 amonia, 0 nitriate, and just barely registering nitrites. I do have live plants. I am almost tempted to take my water somewhere and have it tested in case my test kits are getting too old.. Here is a blury photo of the tank you can see the algea growth near the heater and on the intake:
Ok Menagerie your right I will have to add a small pleco to my list. I am going to start to put numbers beside my jumble list:

main/top: 5 Boesemani Rainbow and 3 of one other kind of Rainbow (potentially)(which ever I find first), the 5 female guppys that are currently in there may or may not get shifted to another tank...

Secondary/bottom: 1 or 2 German Blue Ram OR Badis Badis,
2 Pigmy and 6 of some other type of Cory (juli or panda) and one pleco.

(maybe the white spotted one if you don't get it.. hehe) Let me know about his pleco's then I can run over and get a pleco and the panda's!
(maybe the white spotted one if you don't get it.. hehe) Let me know about his pleco's then I can run over and get a pleco and the panda's!
He's in my tank now! The bristle nose is what it is (I thought there were three types--just two BN and RL) and some have more pronounced spots than others. I was shown a few, but am too short to see really well into the top tanks :roll:
There are tons of plecos to choose from, you just have to look hard because they are hiding! The pandas are soooo cute--I saw them again today :wink:
It is a bit bare. I plan on build up the sides with hiding places like the plants etc. and keeping the middle more open for the Rainbows. So they have the open space to swim around and the sides to hide in. It doesn't look as bare in person. But it is still just in its early stages...

But who knows.. My PH is naturally high so I could end up putting some more driftwood in hopefully I can find a piece everyone would like to swim around and still be able to achieve both a fuller looking tank with lots of swimming space for the rainbows... Long term I probably will have a nice chunk of driftwood. The items that are in there are mostly chosen by my kids.. :)

I hope to get pleco / panda cory / boesemani rainbow in the near future....
That's right, alli and Moose. I've had both gouramis and rainbows, and they do tend to favor the upmost part of the tank. Though I find the rainbows venture downwards more...

Moose, my honest feeling nowadays is if you've got a nice sized tank, go with a super rainbowfish blowout tank. Go all the way--get several species, and then fill in other tank niches with cories and otos/plecs. If you've got rinbows, I'd leave out the rams and go for the profusion of colors that these guys have.

IMO, some Boesmani Rainbows are always a good centerpiece to the tank, and will continue to impress/inspire you, as males display for the females constantly. A good second species would be Praecox rainbows (I've now got both). A third species would be (go all out here) the Millenium Rainbowfish from rarefishatlax on in the rainbowfish section. Another option would be celebes or threadfin rainbows. I could keep on suggesting, but I recommend you check out what rarefishatlax has before deciding for sure. He has some neat species.

Good luck!!! Go rainbowfish!
Arg. Didn't realize there were 8 pages to the thread. Well, I missed 7 of them. Take my comments with that in mind!
Thanks Madasafish for playing along with me.. I aquired 4 Boesmani Rainbows from a friend of a friend. So they will be my feature fish. :) Hopefully they transfered from his house to mine ok. I am very excited about getting them.
So far they are doing well. They are coloring up which I thought they only did when they got older! Three are coloring up a lot and the fourth only color's up when the lights are off.
Glad to hear the "so far so good" report moose. Its funny that madas made a rainbow suggestion and you were already heading that way and so am i with a new 120. the millenium rainbow he metnioned looks incredible. I had just been eying those up over the weekend.
Are you going to take some progressive pictures so we can watch your tank evolve? :)
I am pretty sure that I got hooked on rainbow fish because of some other posts by madasafish. I think I have 3 males and 1 female but I could have 4 males.. Guess I will have to wait and see. With the lights off on the tank and light in the room 3 really color up purple and orange and the 4th stays silver. The 4th one looks a little slimmer than the other 3 and doesn't look sick or anything. The other 3 look like they want it's attention. I am totally fascinated by them and after these ones are settled into the main tank I will be hopefully getting a couple cories and a pleco. Not in any hurry want to try to take it a little slow so.. haha ya right... (must resist fish store) I will try to post pics if anything progresses in the tank. I hope to get more lighting etc so I can pump it full of plants at some point.. baby steps.. haha.
I have brown algae / diatoms on my substrate and decorations.. I decide to celebrate! SO HAPPY DIATOM day everyone!! New tank syndrome number 4!!!! Go TANK go! :)
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