Fish stock 58 gallon | fish jumble game.{aka bug Menagerie}

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Going to try to get down to Tanks for some fishy purchase's.. Hopefully he has a bristlenose/bushy nose pleco and some panda cory's left.

Menagerie when was your last trip down? did you see any left?
I was there no more than 10 days ago and there seemed to be plenty of everything. Remember, if you don't see it--ask!!
I made it down there yesterday. I got a bristlenose and 4 panda cories. Very nice place and the guy was really nice.. (shaved head) talked for a bit about the panda's.. They are the only fish I've every really had problems with and I broke down and bought his as they've been in the store for so long! :) I always thought it was our local PH that was the issue he figures it is our local GH / KH. He said he has a process for acclimatizing these guys to our local water that has worked well for a while.. What a great store Thanks so much Menagerie!

I am on the another piece of driftwood for the bristlenose to chew on and to fill in a bit of the space so Endgame knows that I am listening to him... :wink:
That guy is great and very knowledgable. That's why I keep going back and recommending him to others. I am so glad you had a good experience :D
Had some QT tank problems so the 4 new Panda's and the Pleco has an early arrival into the 58 gallon. If they weren't from Tanks I would be concerned but these are the healthiest Panda's I've ever seen and my pleco looked thankful to me. "tanks" again Menagerie... Still need to get some more drift wood for the tank incase anyone is still with me on this seriously long thread.. :roll:
Did you see the wood sold at Tanks? It's a bit pricey, but it's heavy and will sink right away and will not rot at the same rate as driftwood.
The wood is in the fish room, under some empty tanks. Now that I have seen the prices for wood at another LFS (that I don't really care for), I can say the prices for the wood at Tanks is fair.
Yes, it's some sort of special wood. If I remember correctly it was $7.99/kg--same price as lace rock. I saw much smaller pieces at another LFS for more money.
I need to get over to Tanks next week--I want another small pleco :lol: and I could use some another piece of wood for the 10 gal hex.

Moose--How are the pleco and cories doing? Did you ever see that Swordtail I mentioned a while ago?
I was pleco cory crazy so i did not see the sword.. :)

They are all doing awsome on of the cories has a nipped dorsal fin but hopefully he will be nursed back to health.

I am going to get my driftwood from tanks to support him.. Maybe I will ask him if he can keep his eyes open for Axelrodi Rainbow (Melanotaenia herbertaxelrodi) Once I get some of those I think I am done for a while.. If I can't get any of those I will look for more Boesemani Rainbow (Melanotaenia boesemani) or Praecox Rainbow (Melanotaenia praecox)

Let me know if you see any of those three rainbows 'floating around' haha..
All the fish are doing great.. One of the rainbows is really dominate but it isn't a problem yet.

Still hoping to get a big chunk of driftwood soon. Still waiting until I can get down to tanks to support the small LFS.

I might break down and try some of the Celebes Rainbow if he has any left or maybe some more panda's.. Likely both are gone by now..
I was there on Thursday before game 4. The sword was gone, but lots of panda cories to be had!! They are so cute! And I know I saw the Celebes there. It's a shame more people don't shop there--it's a wonderful little LFS.
I double checked the wood and I was off. It is $13.99/kg. It is nice looking and as I mentioned before will not breakdown as quickly as driftwood and it is aquarium safe. My fiance cured our driftwood--back breaking labor (I must have been busy that week :wink:). Plus our driftwood is gross. I hate to say it, but since I clean the tanks and have to move it around--*GROSS*. I vacuum up more driftwood particles than I do fish waste and excess food :roll:

...cories has a nipped dorsal fin but hopefully he will be nursed back to health
I have no doubt that the little guy will be fine. Mine are always missing pieces of their dorsal fin :? Haven't lost one yet!

BTW--I bought another Rubber Lipped pleco on Thursday--just can't get enough plecos!! :D
I got a chunk of driftwood for my pleco to chew on.. He comes out a bit more now.. I have 6 of Garys panda cories!! I passed on the Celebes for now. Still have my heart set on AxelRod Rainbows if I ever find them.. Otherwise I might get 1 or 2 more Bosemian's. Tank is doing well so I don't want to put too much bio load on it..

Driftwood is in and my pleco is loving it.. My pleco has white spots with red/orange tipped fins.. What do your pleco's look like? Do you have brother/sisters to mine? Where did you get the fish that are in the 5 gal QT? Where are they going? How are they doing?
My pleco has white spots with red/orange tipped fins.
Sweet!! My white spotted pleco hides a lot, but I don't think it is colored up like yours.
As for my 5 gal QT tank--the hybrid is the only fry to survive from a mating in my 80 gal. The Khulis came from Pisces :oops: When I went to get my Badis, I looked at ALL the tanks to see how things were doing. I already have two striped Khulis in the 50 and love them. I don't see them often, but every once in a while, I see a little Khuli head sticking up. I have found them hard to find. I know there are gold Khulis and black Khulis, but they look like snakes and are not welcomed in my tanks :wink: So, after QT my new 6 Khulis will join the community tank. Then I am officailly maxed out on bottom dwellers. :(
"officially maxed out" hehe

If I ever find AxelRod Rainbows I might buy them even if it is Pisces... Starting to think I may never find them....
just got back from 'river front' aquariums' and saw bumble bee gobies.. haha.. They had a ton of fish. I personally couldn't see myself shopping there but thought I would let you know.. I know you gave up your search for them.

They didn't have AxelRod. They had a ton of other rainbows.. Almost every kind except the ones I am looking for... Saw some I have to make a mental not of not ever owning like the Gouder River Rainbow.. hehe

They had a pleco chewing on a dead fish's head... the fish was half ate and still alive.. it wasn't a fun event. :(
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