Fish stock 58 gallon | fish jumble game.{aka bug Menagerie}

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Menagerie said:
Most fish can handle nitrates to 40ppm. Are the fish acting strange? Are they eating?

Everyone in the tank is acting normal / eating with the exception of one of my Ram's.

He / she is not diving into the feeding like everyone else. I am starting to wonder if it is a female being pestered by 3 males....
WOW! If I get 177 kudos just for playing along, what do I get for bringing up a little pleco?? :lol:

Totally off topic~
poikilotherm, I love your sigs--the circus dog one was my fav so far. Clearly you have too much time in the lab :wink:
If I get one of those pleco's I will have to give you way more than just Kudos!
He / she is not diving into the feeding like everyone else. I am starting to wonder if it is a female being pestered by 3 males....
Hmmm, you're probably right. Remind me which fish this is.
Oh. Is it easy to tell the males from the females? Go back and get some more females! Or, separate the female/one that's not feeding and place it in the other tank, if the temps and pH are similar.
Too much time... Probably so. I am trying to "streamline" my lab work so i can get more time on AA. Thanks for the kudos, webmoose, you're too kind! :oops:

On to fishy things. I think my Rams are too young to sex. I have one German Blue and one Gold, but they're only about an inch long. They seem to get along, only occasionally getting nippy with each other. My understanding is that the shape of the dorsal fin (pointier in males), and pinkish coloration of the pelvic region in females. Ah well, if they mate, thenI'll know- but they're too young for that sort of thing!
I am keeping a close eye on mine and I am trying to distinguish any differences between them. They are starting to show a little more color each day. The spot on the side that use to look black when I got them is starting to look more blue. I have also noticed read coloring some of their fins... The one that doesn't alway eat with everyone else doesn't really have the dot it looks more striped than the rest.
For clarification, I really did not see you wrote "rams" at the top of the page. I was just rereading and realized my mistake. It must be nap time!
So the forth ram has decided to behave and is feeding with everyone again. They are starting to get more color on them and get nicer looking every day... :)
Which low light plants? I just got some Java fern from Pisces--4.99 and the guy threw in a couple "floaters."
(Disclaimer: I've been able to get these plants to work for me in low light.. However I am sure someone will state that some of these are always good low light plants.. )

Some of my live plants are:
-Bacopa Monnieri (Moneywort) This was mostly consumed in during my last holiday so it currently looks hilarious it is a really long stem with a few leave remaining at the top
-Ceratophyllum Demersum (Hornwort)

I always intend to get but never get around to it (java fern, java moss) Last time I was at Pisces I saw the moss but not the ferns.
Here is an updated photo of the tank:


At this time the only thing I plan to add is some more plants and Albino Pleco's.. :)
the green things are little plants.... They are strange things.. I put them in at request of my daughter.. :) Same with 4 aquarium frogs and the castle.. hehe.. ya if it was just "my" it might not have some if the things in it.. hehe.

I hope that one of the fish find those bulb plant things to be a fun place to breed into like the rainbows.. :)
I don't recall the name of them.. They are fake. I got them from Pisces. They are very very bright green.. I think my boesmani rainbows have been eyeing them.. hehe
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