Fish stock 58 gallon | fish jumble game.{aka bug Menagerie}

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Red dot is completely gone from rainbow. I think a single scale might be slightly raised. My 3 cories are looking pretty good.
Well I resolved the pleco aggression by the addition of some mature Cory delphax. They are now schooling with my tiny panda's. No one approaches them including mr. pleco and they all get to hang out and graze on their sinking pellets in peace. The delphax act like the panda parent's it is reallly cool to see. Delphax are pretty tight schoolers and if I can aquire a two more I think I might.

I also found some Praecox Rainbows but I am waiting to see how they do in the LFS tank before purchasing them... (saw them back on the 18th)
The cories were an anniversary gift along with a coupon/voucher to Ocean's. :) I saw the Praecox at Pisces on Tuesday they were still in QT with the light off, I stopped in there to grab some algea tabs and fish food. It is in between where I live and work. :) Saw some badis-badis there that didn't look as shabby as in the past. Was wondering if they were the same ones....
Well if they are the same ones as far as I am concerned the only reason they survived is because of you and your intervention because they did look a bit better than the last time I saw them.

Had a second look yesterday when I picked up some of the praecox rainbows.. They still kinda make me nervous (the badis-badis)
In spite of my delphax adopting my panda's I am down to 1 panda. This is the second time I've tried to raise panda's. I have to assume either I am a panda killer or they don't like the way I keep tanks. I checked water parameters and nothing has changed.

If any fish should be upset it should be the ones from the other tank.. The temp has been going up and down.. :( (think heater is acting up have to run out and get a new one.)
Ok other than my panda problem.... Every thing seems great for my tank. Any other suggestions? I have no one occupying the surface.. (i know this is fine but any suggestions?)

Bottom layer is good with the pleco and cories.
Mid is fine with the rainbows.

Any thing else to add to the jumble.. After all it is fun to play the Jumble game right? :|
I'm here, I'm here!!!

I don't have any upper level fish either. Actually, as my fiance keeps telling me--we would never see them since we keep the water level so high :roll:

What about hatchet fish?
BTW--I see you got the praecox rainbows. Pisces?? I haven't been there in well over a month--closer to two 8O

I want to go look at fish, but then I will buy fish and I really don't have the room. Hmmm, maybe time to go to Tanks-A-Lot and just look. My brichardi fry are growing rapidly--all three batches!!! There is a plethora of fry in the tank. I need to separate my adult male and female, let the fry grow so I can see them all and vacuum the tank. And while I'm at Tanks, I'll ask if he wants cute brichardi fry.

I still want the bumble bee gobies--do you know if River Front still has them?
Ya the Praecox were from Pisces they are in the main tank now and out of QT. Since their addition the Rainbows school tighter and enjoy each other. Sometimes all 8 school but often they stay in their groups of 4.

I haven't been back to River front since that day I saw them.

have a look at the my signature and see what you think.. :) I am really happy with how the tank came together...

Thanks everyone for playing along...
Well plenty premature but the Rams have moved into the 58.. The rainbows did not mind them and moving over the clay pots with them which helped them adjust quickly. The one dominate Ram has claimed one of the pots as his home. The other two are happy to cruise around and it seems like they've nitched out the back part of the tank. I am going away for holidays in July and needed these guys settled before I left...

I wondered why so early?
I didn't get an BB gobies yet, but Pisces had Celebes Rainbows, so I am trying them again. If everyone would stay in the tank, I will be quite happy.
I was a good kid and stayed out of the fish stores this weekend.. :) Hopefully both my tanks will be ok for my holiday by the time July rolls around.. It's going to be around 10 days.
Pisces - Celebes Rainbows ---drooool hehe Do you remember how much they were?? :oops:
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