Fishenthusiast's 30 Gallon Planted Odyssey

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Will you be using any bucephalandra in this tank?

Also may I recommend some lagenandra meeboldii. It's almost a crypt and it's lovely coppery shimmer might add something different to the tank as I has leaves more like Anubias size.

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That's the problem with stems in high light. Seems that they are too high maintenance and if you don't keep on top of them they just shed lower leaves for fun and get algae on the leaves much faster. They grow tall, block light and obstruct flow. Perhaps they become limited first because of their uptake rates?

Thinking of doing something similar in my tank now I have a slight hang of using co2. This time I will do a properly thought out scape rather than Just dumping plants anywhere.

Good luck

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I believe a ton of ferts are required for high light (EI being the best), which I wasn't doing for the tank. The EI strategy needs huge water changes, and I didn't have time to do two big ones a week--the tank needed that. To me, low light CO2 tanks are the best. Low amounts of algae, low maintenance, and CO2 lasts a long time. Plus, more red doesn't guarantee a nice tank. This build will be mostly green, but will be lush and full. I adore Java Fern aquascapes. If I had a ton of money to shell out for a ton of spider wood, I'd have this tank be a Java Fern tank. Crypts are pretty good too ??.

If your tank is becoming a pain, I'd recommend changing over to a similar strategy that I am going to use. Crypts, Anubias, Buce, driftwood, Val, etc. I'm employing a no stem, no moss plan--both are too rampant in growth to fully enjoy a tank in my perspective. Slim ferts (PPS-Pro) and plenty of root tabs; low CO2.

Will you be using any bucephalandra in this tank?

Also may I recommend some lagenandra meeboldii. It's almost a crypt and it's lovely coppery shimmer might add something different to the tank as I has leaves more like Anubias size.

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Nice suggestion. Room may not permit, but I'll look into it. I might pick up a few Buces. Maybe some simple Apple Leaf Buce? Very temping. I have the confidence to grow them now.

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I believe a ton of ferts are required for high light (EI being the best), which I wasn't doing for the tank. The EI strategy needs huge water changes, and I didn't have time to do two big ones a week--the tank needed that. To me, low light CO2 tanks are the best. Low amounts of algae, low maintenance, and CO2 lasts a long time. Plus, more red doesn't guarantee a nice tank. This build will be mostly green, but will be lush and full. I adore Java Fern aquascapes. If I had a ton of money to shell out for a ton of spider wood, I'd have this tank be a Java Fern tank. Crypts are pretty good too ??.

If your tank is becoming a pain, I'd recommend changing over to a similar strategy that I am going to use. Crypts, Anubias, Buce, driftwood, Val, etc. I'm employing a no stem, no moss plan--both are too rampant in growth to fully enjoy a tank in my perspective. Slim ferts (PPS-Pro) and plenty of root tabs; low CO2.

Nice suggestion. Room may not permit, but I'll look into it. I might pick up a few Buces. Maybe some simple Apple Leaf Buce? Very temping. I have the confidence to grow them now.

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I agree with everything in your first paragraph. Low light co2 injection seems like a good plan for most and the plants that go hand in hand with this setup have more appeal both aesthetically and practically (for me at least).

I have a place in my tank I like to call crypt corner as it is essentially crypts and lagenandra meeboldii. Although I have let algae ensue on the leaves it still remains my favourite part of the tank.

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You can see a couple of meeboldii leaves in the upper right hand side. Ironically it did very well when I was Walstading, better I would say.

I'm really looking forward to your scape. I love Java fern scapes too and Amazon swords. I don't use enough Java fern but the green it produces when on form is something special.

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I have compiled the final plant list for this tank. It should be a fun one!

Crypt lutea "hobbit"
True Dwarf Sag
Crypt parva

Crypt wendtii "green"
Crypt wendtii "Green Gecko"
Crypt petchii
Echinodorus parviflorus
Crypt pontederiifolia
Anubias nana
Anubias nana "petite"

Broadleaf Sag
Crypt undulata
Crypt wendtii "bronze"
Trident Java Fern
Vesuvius Sword (2nd attempt)

I have the E. parviflorus and Green Gecko Crypt ordered. The True Dwarf Sag and the Anubias are already in the tank. I just need to put in a couple more orders and it should be planted up again.

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Crypt nurii (unexpected throw in, but I'll take it) and Crypt wendtii green are currently being shipped, along with some Crypt wendtii "bronze" and Vesuvius Sword.

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Thanks everyone! It should be planted up by the end of the week. I'll get some long awaited pics then. ??

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Crypt undulata, Crypt parva, and Crypt retrospiralis have been ordered. I just need to order the Crypt lutea "hobbit" to complete the foreground. I was thinking about getting some Buce, but there won't be enough room on the driftwood.

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Crypt undulata, Crypt parva, and Crypt retrospiralis have been ordered. I just need to order the Crypt lutea "hobbit" to complete the foreground. I was thinking about getting some Buce, but there won't be enough room on the driftwood.

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You have just inspired me to do something like this. Looking forward to seeing a picture.

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You have just inspired me to do something like this. Looking forward to seeing a picture.

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Thanks! I'm glad I can be an inspiration.

I just planted some plants, and all I have to say is that this is going to be a jungle tank for a while. It'll be a jungle until I can have everything neatly trimmed.

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Planted some more upon getting home today. There will be no room for Crypt undulata and Crypt retrospiralis, so I cancelled that order. There will just be room for foreground plants now. I'll order some off of Han. I was thoroughly impressed with my recent purchase with him.

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The final plant has been ordered. I ordered some Crypt parva and some root tabs from Peabody's. It's been a while since I've ordered from them, and I thought: "Hey, why not?" Anyway, the tank should be finished on Monday.

Final Plant List:

Java Fern "Trident"
Crypt parva
Anubias nana "petite"
Anubias nana
Crypt wendtii green
Crypt wendtii "Green Gecko"
Crypt wendtii "bronze"
Crypt wendtii "FL sunset"
Crypt nurii
Vesuvius Sword
Echinodorus parviflorus
True Dwarf Sag

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It's amazing how the wendtii has so many differing varieties. I also like the Vesuvius. It should provide a nice distraction from the similarities of the leaf shapes in the other plants.

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It's amazing how the wendtii has so many differing varieties. I also like the Vesuvius. It should provide a nice distraction from the similarities of the leaf shapes in the other plants.

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Hopefully I can get the Vesuvius to root in and grow this time around. It wouldn't do anything for me that last time that I had it.

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The big tank reveal is tonight. I'm just doing a small rescape at the moment to get it ready for presentation. The Trident Java Fern was originally in the middle left side of the tank, but now it'll be in the left corner.

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The big tank reveal is tonight. I'm just doing a small rescape at the moment to get it ready for presentation. The Trident Java Fern was originally in the middle left side of the tank, but now it'll be in the left corner.

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Looking forward to pics :) Much change (do we get hints?!).
Looking forward to pics :) Much change (do we get hints?!).

Here we go . . .

After some thought, I decided to make this a jungle aquascape. I like those tanks better, and the fish (especially the Kuhlis) appreciate it more. Give this tank a year of steady growth (maybe less time), and it should be in great shape. I'll be adding one more plant to the background. It'll either be Bacopa caroliniana or Crypt balansae. I'll not be doing any massive rescapes with the tank, but I'll make minor changes if needed.

Final Plant List:

Trident Java Fern
Anubias nana
Anubias nana "petite"
True Dwarf Sag
Crypt parva
Crypt nurii
Crypt wendtii "green"
Crypt wendtii "bronze"
Crypt wendtii "FL sunset"
Crypt wendtii "Green Gecko"
Vesuvius Sword
Echinodorus parviflorus
Bacopa caroliniana or Crypt balansae
Hydrocotyle tripartita


I'll get some better pictures when the tank clears up. Happy tanking everyone!

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Why can't I do that? ☹️ why can't I visualise how the tank is going to look in a years time WHILST I am planting. I am completely incapable of coming up with a planned out scape like this haha.

You can already see just how great this tank is going to look when it fills in. The crypt placement and the spider wood.

Love it. ?

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