flame scallop

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2003
Muscatine, Iowa
Irecently purchased a scallop and it was sitting in front of tank were i put it. Now i have no clue were its at do they move around or just hide all of the time. :(
Yes they do move around. They have the ability to close their shell and thus propel water out of it. When they do swim it will look like they are moving backwards...

Keep in mind that with this creature it is a filter feeder and does not get its food source from light like corals do. They require daily feeding of phytoplankton. Not an easy animal to by any means.

You may already know this, but I thought I would pass it along anyway.
Scallops are so scary because so many LFS people and hobbyist don't realize that about them. They think they are like coral and you can sit them and just feed every once in a while. Not to say you did, boricua. It is just an unfortunate fact about scallops.

Just an FYI - if it has moved, it moved to find a spot better to its liking, where it can receive better current, more food, etc. Many of these bivalves are killed because ppl continuously move them *back* to where they can best see them - not realizing that the scallop is relocating itself in order to survive.
I bought one a while back, before research, and it is doing great. I feed my fish "Blender Mush" and my corals Zooplex daily. It is bearly visible in the tank wedged up in some rocks, but it seems to be doing fine. Like everyone said, they will pick a place in the tank that they like. It will most likely not be where you want it and will normally not be visible.
Hey Astride, I keep hearing about your "Blender Mush" - You may have answered this question a thousand times already, but what do you put in the blender? What kind of consistancy is it, watery or sludgy? Do you prepare a fair amount to store in the fridge, and feed a little at a time with a syringe or something?

I thow in the blender crabs, shrimp, squid, fish, scallops, nori, Zoe (vitamins), and various fish foods and mix it all up. You don't need much of the above ingredients. 1/2 lb or less will suffice. I pour in FW to keep the consistency "mushy". You want it to kinda hold together and not be too runny.

Then I pour it into Ziplock bags, flatten it out to about 1/4" inch thick, and then freeze.

When I feed the fish, I break off small pieces and put them into the tank.
Biggen said:
When I feed the fish, I break off small pieces and put them into the tank.

I put the frozen pieces in a little cup of tank water so it thaws first but have been debating whether to throw in the forzen pieces so it doesn't make such a mess and the fish can rip pieces off as it thaws.
I don't like thawing it in the cup since the fish never seem to be able to eat it all when I do that and it goes everywhere when I pour it in. By putting it in semi-frozen, they can grab it and rip chunks off. Whatever they don't eat, I scoop out.

Now when I get several corals in the tank, pouring it in may be a better idea since the corals will be able to catch all the floating food in the aquarium.
Yeah, even though I didn't want corals and hard-to-feed things, I just bought a rock that turns out to have about 1,524 little feather-duster worms 8O
I think I also have *1* zoanthid bud, and there is some other type of white soft coral lurking around too. So now I guess I have to feed the little buggers! I think I will try that stuff by Kent someone suggested.
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