Floating Black Mystery Snail

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 16, 2011
So i woke up this morning and found my black mystery snail floating in my 30 gallon bow-front. Thinking he was dead I scooped him out of the water. Wanting to be certain before I got rid of the body, I filled a small tub with aquarium water and put him into it. sure enough I came back and he was out a little. By a little, I mean that it pretty much looked like he had fallen part of the way of his shell. In any case I left him alone, and he just stayed that way, hanging half out of his shell. I was convinced that it meant the poor guy had died. I went to move the tub and to my surprise he went back into his shell. Currently he is half hanging out of his shell again? What does this mean? Is he sick? Is he going to die?
He might not be attached to his shell anymore, and there is no helping that. I would stick him back in the tank or tub and give him a day or so, see what happens.
Thanks Darby. I put a small piece of dried seaweed in for him and he started moving around like usual. I brought him back to the pet store later yesterday afternoon, since after more research, I didn't think he'd be very happy in my aquarium. I have goldfish and apparently these snails like it a little warmer.
Yeah, I noticed when mine was in cooler water she didn't move much, but now she is in 80* and she cruises all the time!
I am glad you cared enough for him and did the right thing. :)
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