flourite toxic?

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Hmm i guess that would make sense if anybody has first hand experience should speak up lol then again the plants will soak most of those traces up as well making it less toxic i would imagine

True. That's the thing I've been doing research and so far haven't found anyone that keeps snails and shrimp in their tank with fluorite substrate. I worry because i want to have Malaysian Trumpet Snail feed off the fish waste, excess food and algae that might build up around the DW in the sand but I feel that the snail might feed off the sand as well because they burrow in the gravel and it's high in nutrients so i wouldn't mind especially because it contains high calcium and it is necessary for snail's shells but the downside is the copper in the substrate. I've also heard that even the slightest presence of copper in the environment is deadly with low percentages of about 0.01% being deadly to snails.
Well like I said, I don't have snails but I do have RCS and I'm sure that the fluorite didn't contribute to the 2 losses I had the first couple hours after I put them in the new tank, that was my fault not seachems :(. I hope someone can clear the snails for you soon! Good luck!
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