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Coursair said:

YAY. Thank you so much. Couldn't figure it out for the life of me.

Baha I finally got to exact my vengeance on the largest planaria in my tank today. Crawled a little too high on my tank and I netted it. Then boiled it.

Felt so good.
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Autumnsky said:
lol... how many little friends did it leave behind...?

What do you mean?

I didnt allow it the satisfaction of multiplying in my tank.

There are a few young ones in there, but other than fish waste and the occasional uneaten fish food, there is nothing for them to snack on.

As the little ones grow, I'll get em lol.
Baha I finally got to exact my vengeance on the largest planaria in my tank today. Crawled a little too high on my tank and I netted it. Then boiled it.

Felt so good.

One way I get the lil nasty things out of my tank is to use a piece of airline tubing and a syringe and suck'em out. Haven't tried it on planaria, as I don't have them but have sucked out a few snails I wanted to transfer, and mayfly larvae. Much easier than netting for me and I can get to all areas of the tank :D
Interesting technique.

Well I want these disgusting and vile creatures out. GONE I TELL YOU.

They threaten my baby shrimp's longevity. :(.

I almost got the 2nd biggest one.. But unfortunately he crawled into the filter section just in time. I'll get them. I'll get them.

There really cant be many.

I did want to ask about copepods. I'm 99% sure I've got tons of them :D I really like the way they look, and when I looked at one with a magnifier (not strong) I could vaguely see a tail and two little horn parts. And they're all over the glass + wood.

They're not dangerous right? Also is there any way I can verify that they are in fact copepods?
Sounds like them if I recall they only have one eye....there's a joke in there somewhere....I haven't seen one in my tank yet so I can't tell you how they swim.
They crawl really fast. Jump in big leaps. That is what is in my tank at least.
They're cyclopses lol.
MABJ said:
That is amazing. I'm going to try it. I however do not know how to dose. Advice?

Yeah, I have no clue either. I haven't found any strict dosing guides online. Try dosing very very very little and gradually increasing the dose if they still don't die.

Another female is berried!! It happened right after she molted.

Her eggs are so tiny but definitely there!
ARRgghh hit the wrong button....

The Dose is 1/10th of 1 Gram to 10g of water. So for a tiny tank, take a one Gram packet, divide it into 10 equal parts. Divide that tiny amount by 4 for a 2.5g Even if you overdose by a little I think you'd be ok. I got impatient and just threw a pinch in mine.

I've dosed my 10g. a few times. 2x for Planaria another time for a mystery critter.
Never bothered my Shrimp or normal inhabitants.

or you can buy No Planaria and try to dose that.
Was just giving you a hard time. lol

All these odd unwanted creatures make me really nervous about adding any more plants / fish! I didn't even really know there were that many creepy, crawly, gross, icky, yucky, things around. :eek: and maybe a cool one too.
No planaria will kill my snail line. I'm not game for that.

How exactly do I know the parts are equal? Just assume and go for it? Lol.
Great! Thanks so much!

Shall I just search pet stores for it?
MABJ said:
No planaria will kill my snail line. I'm not game for that.

How exactly do I know the parts are equal? Just assume and go for it? Lol.

What is a "Snail Line " ??
My snails were all fine.

MABJ said:
Great! Thanks so much!

Shall I just search pet stores for it?

I got mine at Petsmart.
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Coursair said:
What is a "Snail Line " ??
My snails were all fine.

My strain of snails. Every time I read no planaria reviews, it says 'will kill all your snails'

But I have no petsmarts/petcos Ill have to do some searching.
MABJ said:
My strain of snails. Every time I read no planaria reviews, it says 'will kill all your snails'

But I have no petsmarts/petcos Ill have to do some searching.

Ah. I only had MTS at the time. A nuclear bomb might kill them ;)

So can you remove the snails for a few days to another tank or bucket ?
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