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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 27, 2005
Dorset, UK
I was in my LFS yesterday and he had these tiny little albino frogs all swimming around in an aquarium. Some had even jumped over one side and were mimmicking the schooling of some Penguin Tetra!

I didn't really pay much attention to them or ask about them, but I'd like to go back and find out more about them, perhaps keep some in the future.

Can anyone tell me about the smallest frogs that can live in an aquarium, either with fish or on their own? Smaller the better and preferably the swimming type....
I've read a lot about the African Dwarf Frog, but I'm still not sure.

I have a spare 8Gal tank y'see....
Well I think these sound like frogs I had befoire, they grow quite big and they eat alot of my fish :x Sorry but i dont know anything about them
If they were quite small like the african dwarf frog, they are probably the albino african dwarf frog. To the best of my knowledge, these are the only real frogs that are fully aquatic and need to place to get air. They stay very small (perhaps an inch or two in diameter) and live perfectly fine with most fish.
That sounds about right. Albino African Dwarf Frog.

They're really tiny (there were about 30 in a 10gal, oxygenated show tank).

I don't understand what you meant by "only real frogs that are fully aquatic and need to place to get air" - do you mean they need NO place to get air, or they do? They must breathe, surely?!!....
I have yet to see an albino Hymenochirus....bets are that they are an albino Xenopus, which get as large as a man's hand, and eat anything that they can cram into their mouths.
He means that they do need air. Fully aquatic means that you can house them without a patch of land to crawl out onto.
Be carefull though, african dwarf frogs are alot different then african clawed frogs. ADF are small and stay small, but they look very very similar to AFC which get pretty big and eat fish if their big enough.
I don't understand what you meant by "only real frogs that are fully aquatic and need to place to get air" - do you mean they need NO place to get air, or they do? They must breathe, surely?!!....

That's what I meant!
I have yet to see an albino Hymenochirus....bets are that they are an albino Xenopus, which get as large as a man's hand, and eat anything that they can cram into their mouths.

I thought I had heard of the albino dwarfs before, but this was probably due to some mismarking at a crappy LFS. When I googled it, I could fine nothing on albino dwarf frogs.

Sorry for the misleading info, bt.
I'd bet they are clawed frogs and not dwarf frogs. I don't think there are albino african dwarf frogs as Toirtis mentioned. Clawed frogs do get quite large, I had one and it ate some of my fish so I brought it back to the store. You should keep them in a species only tank or with fish large enough that can't fit in their mouth.
Ways to tell the difference: African dwarf frogs have their eyes on the side of their head while the clawed frogs have them on the top. The clawed frogs are usually much more chubby (especially in the legs) than the dwarfs.
Here's some pics of the dwarf frogs:
do any of you know if you can keep an african dwarf frog in a sand tank with adult guppies? i tried asking this question alittle while ago and didnt get an answer. sorry for asking in your thread...
I think they may eat the sand which would probably kill them, however I'm really not sure on this. They would do fine with almost any fish besides ones that would pick on them or eat them. They could probably only eat tiny fish fry that get very close to them, that's about it. Just make sure they get some food. Worms and brine shrimp are their diet (frozen or live).
If you are looking for a frog to put in a tank with other fish, make sure you get and African Dwarf Frog and not an African Clawed Frog. The Clawed frog will grow big and eats fish. The easiest way to tell the difference is that the African Dwarf Frogs has its eyes on the sides of its body where the African Clawed Frog has its eyes on top.

Here are a couple links that give lots of info about both kinds.

I have 2 African Dwarf frogs myself and would recommend them to anyone. They are easy to care for and funny to watch.
the albino ones you saqw are most likely the clawed frogs and will eat most anything it can fit in its mouth.

I have never heard of any problems in keeping the dwarf frogs with sand but I am not sure on that.

If you want a combo of reg. and albino frogs I suggest a species only tank for them. in an 8gal with plenty of hiding spots you could probably have 2 of each.
Actually it's best to have at least 4-5 gals per clawed frog. 2 in an 8 gal should be ok. They like space their space.
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