Frozen food types

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 3, 2004
I want to feed my fish as much variety as possible. Currently flakes and algae pellets are their morning meal, while bloodworms or brine are their evening chow.

Any thoughts on the viability and/or feeding frequency for the following frozen foods?

Krill, Daphnia, Mysis Shrimp, Tubifex
My puffers LOVE the freeze-dried Krill, as well as the bloodworms. Not sure about frequency, just try to make sure they eat all of it!
Just so you know, once they start eating frozen, they won't go back to freeze-dried. Haha
A word of caution here. You have a very good selection of fish and varying the diet with high protein foods is a good thing. I would even give your crew a treat of live blackworms every once in a blue moon. The thing is most people can kill there fish with kindness. You must be diligent not to overfeed. I would bet the number one cause of a tank going bad is poor water quality due to overfeeding.
FW mysid shrimp are incredible (but may cloud your water temporarily), and my fish get frozen krill quite regularly...and my small stuff (Badis, fry, etc) get regular frozen daphnia.
Thanks all for the great info. I'm psyched to try some of these other foods and see how they like it.

BrianNY, you hit the nail on the head. I inadvertenly fattened up my danios, which clued me in that I was way overfeeding.
I'll just echo the sentiment that "variety is the spice of life" and fish really thrive with a varied, modest diet.

BTW, workfortheman, your new avatar is striking, to say the least! 8O
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