Fungus then Dropsy?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2018
so my mama guppy had a fungus spot on her left side and i treated the whole tank with API fungus cure, aside from killing my elodea anacharis it seemed to clear up the fungus on my guppy nicely...two days later while im doing the final water change to get rid of the medication i notice my guppy swimming funny and i just chalk it up to her being pregnant she looked really big, a day later and her scales started to pine cone... i moved her to a hospital tank did a-z for dropsy and assuming that the fungal infection went systemic i treated the hospital tank with the fungus cure too so now its just a waiting game... but could this be caused by the fungus or was the fungus a symptom of something else?
none of my other fish are sick Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates 38ppm chlorine 0 temp 82F Ph 7.6
10 gallon tank 6 months cycled 5 guppy 2 neon tetras 1 bn pleco 4 ammano shrimp
Dropsy is often times the last symptom of a bacterial infection. Perhaps your initial diagnosis of a fungus was incorrect.
I think adding the antibiotic was a good move. Fungus attaches itself to damaged or dead tissue. Bacteria causes lesions both inside and out to a fish, allowing for fungus to take hold.
The noted fungus possibly was a secondary infection.

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