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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 2, 2011
Princeton, NJ
My tank salinity is at 1.008 for hypo and I am just starting to raise it. My yellow tang has had HLLE for awshile because i didnt have a RODI uinit, so i got one, i do 20-25% pwcs weekly. I give him seaweed every day. He got fungus. They look like ick but are alot bigger and fuzzy. I am going to treat with pimafix. Should I just do this? Is there anything else I have to do?
So what you are saying is you have your tang in 1.008sg? We need more info on your tank. How old is the system? How big is the tank? How long have you had the tang? Are you running carbon on your tank? The best treatment for tangs is to get rid of stress and try and boost immune system. I would feed the tang fresh algae sheets once a day dipped in garlic. Try and keep salinity at 1.025. You can also try and feed the tang a variety of algae to help with the hlle. Also there is no study that shows using a ro/di unit will reduce the affects of hlle. It is believed that running carbon on a tank 24/7 and a combination of not getting enough variety of food along with stress will create hlle. There is really no treatment for it but it can be stopped and reversed but there will always be a marking on the tang.
The salinity is at 1.008 for hypo. (to kill ick) The tank is usually kept at 1.026 (ocean water) and the RODI should help because better water quality will boost immune system and in the long run with seaweed should reverse HLLE. I do run carbon but took it out for the pimafix. Will the medication help? should I do anything else?
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