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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 11, 2013
Hi there,

I have had a tank running for nearly a year and have lost 3 of my 15 fish during this time. I have noticed that there seems to be quite a bit of fungus in the uplift filter pipe and in the gravel. Also, one of the platies looked like it had some fungus by it's gills the other day. This can't be healthy?!!! Can anyone recommend a good aquarium fungicide that's reasonably safe?? Nitrate levels are below 40ppm according to a professional liquid test (and strips) and I gravel clean once a month, water change 30% every week.

Many thanks :)
Malachite green is good for fungus withoug killing the benifcal bacteria, methylene blue will work less with fungus and kill more bacteria, but is safer, also "fungus Cure" but that is nitrofurazone green and is dangerous chemical, salt kills fungus especially actual marine salt not aquarium salt. I would go with salt and the malachite for 4-5 days 5ml per ten gal with a partial change after 3rd day. Turning heat up too should help. You could take out any sick fish and give a methylene blue and salt bath for several hours or even a few days. SO you have 3 choices......

Malachite Green: Possible caricogen, very effective against fungus, does not destroy BB at rec. levels
Furan Green: Known caricogen, effective against fungus, Destroys some BB
Methylene Blue: Human Safe, effective aginst fungus, Destroys all BB
ok thank you for that comprehensive information. I like the sound of using the Malachite green. My fish are Zebra Danios, platies, black widows and black neons. Will they be ok with marine salt being added to the aquarium? Would me doing more gravel cleaning e.g. going from 1 clean to 2 per month keep the fungal levels lower?

Many thanks
Sorry- my tank is at 25 degrees Celsius. I read online that if I ramp the temperature up to 31-32 degrees Celsius and keep it there for 3 days, this might get rid of the fungus? I think I might try this as a safe alternative and if it works, keep the tank at 28 degrees in future???

Many thanks
Yeah absoulutely, fungus takes hold in fish kept too cool. I think the platies would be okay but not the tetras and danios.....but they would be okay with plain aquarium salt I amagine....... Yes absolutely, poop on the bottom does make for a fungus ridden tank, unless you use a undergravel filter, in which case you never have to vacuum. Try just vacuuming here and there and stiring it up abit. Maybe some bigger water changes say 50% and the malachite and you should be good. Don't stick you hand in the water with malachite, or at least try not too.
Malachite green is good for fungus withoug killing the benifcal bacteria, methylene blue will work less with fungus and kill more bacteria, but is safer, also "fungus Cure" but that is nitrofurazone green and is dangerous chemical, salt kills fungus especially actual marine salt not aquarium salt. I would go with salt and the malachite for 4-5 days 5ml per ten gal with a partial change after 3rd day. Turning heat up too should help. You could take out any sick fish and give a methylene blue and salt bath for several hours or even a few days. SO you have 3 choices......

Malachite Green: Possible caricogen, very effective against fungus, does not destroy BB at rec. levels
Furan Green: Known caricogen, effective against fungus, Destroys some BB
Methylene Blue: Human Safe, effective aginst fungus, Destroys all BB

You do realize furacin green is just nitrofurazone (an antibiotic), methylene blue and salt? None of these are carcinogenic or dangerous. Nitrofurazone is an old school antibiotic that is commonly used topically in both the veterinary and medical fields. MB is also considered safe and is used medically to treat nitrate poisoning. Together with salt, this is an effective med for treating mild bacterial infections, secondary fungus infections and even some parasitic issues and protozoans. Great for qt or a bath as it will harm your biological filter.

Another easy to find med for treating mild bacterial and fungal issues is Jungle/Tetra fungus tabs as they contain two fura antibiotics and an anti-fungal (potassium dichromate). It may effect your good bacteria so keep a close watch on your parameters if you chose to use this.
That's not what ive read about nitrofurazone jlk. I have heard its a dangerous anti-microbial and a known carcinogen. I will do further research on it. It has never worked that well for me....but I will look into it because its easier to find than malachite or methylene. Thanks
Ohh, is Nitrofurazone a different drug than furan? maybe its furan im thinking of that's dangerous......idk ive never really used that one.
EDIT: Now I remember where I heard it was dangerous....the back of the package of jungles "fungus Cure" ....."this product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer"
I guess this is only dangerous then If you live in California. Everywhere else its okay to use this.. That being said all smart alicky like I just did, I know that malachite has the same warning, along with tons of other common household chemicals. Long story short, don't live in California.
Ohh, is Nitrofurazone a different drug than furan? maybe its furan im thinking of that's dangerous......idk ive never really used that one.
EDIT: Now I remember where I heard it was dangerous....the back of the package of jungles "fungus Cure" ....."this product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer"
I guess this is only dangerous then If you live in California. Everywhere else its okay to use this.. That being said all smart alicky like I just did, I know that malachite has the same warning, along with tons of other common household chemicals. Long story short, don't live in California.

From what I hear, just about anything may be toxic to your health in CA! Just kidding CA, :)

On a more serious note, nitrofuran antibiotics are a subject of debate although they are widely used in aquatics and veterinary fields. I have big tubs of nitrofurazone ointment I use to treat injuries and infections in my horses.

Furan2 is a combo of nitrofurazone and furazolidone (both nitrofuran antibiotics). There used to be just plain Furan but I am honestly not sure if its manufactured anymore. Decent broad spectrum meds but newer antibiotics can sometimes be better choices due to antibiotic resistance.

Malachite green is a known carcinogen as well as being mutagenic and genotoxic. It can be easily over dosed and its toxicity is dependent upon ph, gh and kh. It works but use with caution and wear gloves if possible.

Potassium dichromate in Tetra fungus tabs is a known carcinogen as well so it's something to keep in mind.

With any fish med, it's worth reading the box and the warnings as well as doing some research. I 'generally' do not use anything that is not considered safe for medical use in humans as well. :)
Okay JLK. I might switch to furan since malachite is getting harder to find. Still i like to use it for parasites. Does the furan destroy BB? Malachite does not unless you use too much of it.

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