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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 10, 2003
McKinney Tx
I have a growth of a milky white substance on one of my live rocks. Kinda looks like a mold but not hairy looking...its kinda jelly looking. Anyone have any ideas?? Its been running for about a month now and I have noticed many orange feather duster looking growth on the rock and everything else seems healthy. It is a FOWLR for now as I slowly add live rock. Amonia is 0 Nitrates are 0 and Nitites are <5 SG 1.024 and temp right at 80.

Sometimes if a sponge dies, it looks like a moldy-cottony-filmy white substance. If you can gently remove it with a soft tootbrush, I would try to get as much out as possible. If it's possible, remove the rock from the water and gently "shake" it in a bucket of saltwater - see if the white substance will fall off.
I'll try to take a picture...but its hard to see unless its under bright light....seems to be really slick and hard to wipe off the rock....I didn't try really hard yet, kinda trying to see if it is speading.
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