Fuzzy white fungus on Manzanita

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 4, 2013
Hi all,

I've had my Manzanita for a couple weeks now and it's starting to develop a decent amount of white fuzzy fungus. I've researched and see that it is harmless to the tank but I was wondering if algae eaters will eat it? I've been thinking about getting a golden but if another species of fish likes that stuff I'd love to know.

plecos will eat it for sure, the chinese/gold algae eaters im not sure about, i dont think they will though
It's normal and harmless. It will go away in time. Some fish will eat it. CAEs can get large and aggressive so I wouldn't purchase one just to eat the fungus.
I had a bristle nose pleco that kept a piece spotless. In fact it kept nearly everything spotless
Thanks. I have a bristlenose but it doesn't seem to be eating it. It looks a little better today. Are there any types of algae eating fish that do not get too large? I have a 29 gal.
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