German Ram eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 21, 2013
I purchased a German Ram pair a few days ago and I'm not sure if the female has laid eggs or if this is just substrate? She seems to be guarding this area, not leaving it and the male is hanging around too. It does look different to the substrate in that it seems opaque and yellower....Any advice appreciated! Sorry for all the photos, trying to find one which clearly shows the suspect items.....


P.s. my snail actually did lay 3 clutches of eggs which all hatched. I now have hundreds of baby Apple snails, as you can see in the photos! :)


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Haha great thanks! I think someone's put Viagra in my tank....either that or I have a comfy tank ;)
Oh really? Hmmm well there are two baby snails hanging around the eggs so guess they may not last long :(
Oh really? Hmmm well there are two baby snails hanging around the eggs so guess they may not last long :(

Like is said no experience with it, just something I have read. I guess its hard for mom and dad to stop them. But like anything with fish works for you and might not work for the next Guy. Good luck
Thanks. Yes am still learning with this whole aquarium vibe...guess will find out what works and what doesn't :)
Well, the eggs are all gone now. I don't know if the parents ate them or moved them, but they're no longer there :(
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