Getting rid of snails!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 29, 2005
Now, the snail population in my tank is growing like crazy, it started out with just one that came with my plant and I thought it would look cool, now i think there are about 40 in my tank, I tried the advice from my other thread but that doesn't help what should I do.
take all he gravel and plants out and hope it takes them with it
u can wash the plants and gravel and put them back in after
madchild24 said:
take all he gravel and plants out and hope it takes them with it
u can wash the plants and gravel and put them back in after

8O :?:

I haven't read your other thread but I've found the best way to get rid of them is to starve them out. Feed very sparingly so there isn't anything left over for them to clean up. You could bag them and ship them out to puffer owners. Now that I have some tiny puffers and need them to reproduce, they won't. :?
I agree with Fluff... I posted the same advise if Im not mistaking in your last thread.. feed more conservitivly.. feed no more then your fish can eat in ~40 seconds once a day..
I have tried feeding them sparingly, the last time but it didn't help. I think that I will have to take them out one by one with a net and some tweasers. OH well, thanks for all your help and posts.
You could also place a piece of lettuce in the tank at night and pick out the ones on it in the morning, or you could wait until night and manually remove the wall crawlers.

A combo of these two methods will be slow but in the end effective.

Of course this is only if you don't want to disturb the gravel and decor. :wink:
unknown_7 said:
Now, the snail population in my tank is growing like crazy, it started out with just one that came with my plant and I thought it would look cool, now i think there are about 40 in my tank, I tried the advice from my other thread but that doesn't help what should I do.

2 words:

Clown Loaches!

I just bought 2 and in 1 day they ate all the snails. They LOVE snails.

How big is the tank? Maybe yo-yo loaches if it's not that big.
Maybe that's what happened to my snails, I used to have plenty, but when I got my clown loach, they were gone in about a week. Somehow I didn't make the connection. If they are small snails, sometimes I would just collect all of them off the walls, smashed a few, and used them as fishfood. It pretty much kept their numbers under control.
I am cleaning my tank as we speak. So far I have counted over 18 and there are still a lot, what do I do with all these snails. I feel guilty killing them, but I don't want them.
unknown_7 said:
I am cleaning my tank as we speak. So far I have counted over 18 and there are still a lot, what do I do with all these snails. I feel guilty killing them, but I don't want them.

Just put them in a napkin/paper towel and crush them. Now that I have the 2 Clown loaches I don have to do that anymore! Within minutes of putting them in the tank they started snacking on the snails! Here I am 1 day later and no more snails!

Clown Loaches are SO NEAT!

And their clicking noises are LOUD! I didn't think they'd be THAT loud!

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