Getting Rid of Snails

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 8, 2006
Pullman, WA
So over the course of getting a lot of different plant I manged to get pretty much every type of snail out there. I have been trying the lettuce leaf trick for a couple days but they don't seem to be attracted to the leaves.

Are there any other tricks out there to get remove them? I want to keep the MTS that I have (been picking off the ones that get on the lettuce) but the pond and ramshorn snails need to go!
thanks for putting this post im looking to get rid of some MTS they're taking over my tank. i've also tried the lettuce trick but doesnt work.
I saw a tip posted a few days ago (may have been here...who knows LOL!). The person suggested dropping a few algae wafers/shrimp pellets in your net and sinking the net down in the tank. Then when you want to remove the gathered snails, just lift it on out. Of course if you've got fish that like those, or bottom feeders it probably won't work. I've had success by using small plastic containers with holes poked in the top big enough for the snails, but not the fish. I load it up with strong smelling wafers or shrimp pellets.

Also, if you are having crazy out of control levels of "pest" snails, you are likely feeding too much. Feed a little more sparingly, even skipping a day now and then and that will help too. Don't forget to wipe off your glass often to get rid of clutches there.
Have stocking space for a few small botia's? They will clean out the pond snails, etc., but will never get all the MTS once they're established.
Have you nuked the lettuce for a few seconds first ? they seem to like that better.

I agree with Gena - if you have that many snails its likely that you are overfeeding.

I manually remove snails when I see them and they've not gotten out of control. You can give the MTS away (in the barter/trade section) - many folks would be more than willing to pay for the shipping on them.

I'm not one for getting a fish to solve a problem, but the loaches would work too.
I have a strong suspicion that mystery snails eat the eggs of other species. I have four ramhorns in my 55 (by choice!) and a mystery too. I have never, ever seen a baby ram. I just added a few more last night (I actually try to breed these guys) so we'll see about my theory. In fact, I just noticed a ram egg clutch, so I'll be watching it to see what happens. If it works, it'd be a better solution than adding a fish, I think. And your MTS would be safe, since they don't lay eggs.

People who have loaches and puffers may be willing to take some of your snails as food too.
Something smelly like a shrimp pellet or meat-based wafer will work better to attract them than lettuce.

I don't mind the "pest" snails, but if I need to move a bunch out of a my planted tank I don't feed the tank for the day, put a stinky sinking something in before lights out, and in the AM I have a tidy pile-o-snails I can take out!
Interesting re the mystery snails - I keep finding small ramshorns and pond snails in the main tank that has mystery snails but you're right, I've never seen an egg clutch. Let me know what happens with the clutch.

Plecoperson - I love the "pile-o-snails" thing !
joannde said:
Interesting re the mystery snails - I keep finding small ramshorns and pond snails in the main tank that has mystery snails but you're right, I've never seen an egg clutch. Let me know what happens with the clutch.

Perhaps you need to get the population down first before it works, or get a mystery in there before the others get established. Even if they do eat the others, they're probably not as effective as loaches. But they'd be great for smaller or more heavily stocked tanks.

We shall see!
I actually WANT those pond and small ramshorn snails now that I have a 10G tank dedicated to Dwarf Puffers .... so ....... if you do find that the mystery snails are eating the egg clutches of the pond/ramshorns please let me know so that I know not to count on the 29G to produce enough snails to feed the DPs
I actually set uyp another tank to keep my Skunk Botia loaches when I don't need them. I am about to move them into one tank for 3 days so they can remove a lot of the ramshorns I have, pond type then move them back. If I can catch enough I don't like to move the loaches but sometimes it helps. And they are very happy with having 2 loaches and a common pleco. The female sleep with the pleco in the same cave that I can't believe the pleco even fits in!. Just hope there is no odd crossbreed, EWWWWWWWWW!

The best way I have found to catch them is to turn the lights off, make the room dark and wait an hour for them to collect on whatever you dropped in to collect them. And romaine leaf lettuce works much better the iceberg. Boil for about 30 seconds after a water change and a good gravel vac. No food that day so they will be hungry.
It took me a LONG time, but I just decided to remove 6 a day, until eventually there were just 40, then maybe 20, then maybe 10, then 5 then dead.
oh, i want some more snails :)
how do u get them ?

my LFS staff told me that the plants will 'grow' or 'born' snails, how can that be ? LOL

arrow1234 said:
oh, i want some more snails :)
how do u get them ?

my LFS staff told me that the plants will 'grow' or 'born' snails, how can that be ? LOL


There are often snails or snail eggs on plants when you buy them from an LFS. But not always! There have been several times I bought plants that were completely clean.

If you already have a few snails now, you'll have more in no time, just be patient. If you overfeed a little bit, the snails will multiply like crazy. Or you could ask for a few snails from a tank at the LFS. Most will give away pest snails for free.
Easiest way to breed snails is to remove them from your tank. Use a small plastic tupperware container and put the snails in with some tank water. Add some lettuce, preferably some CC or other calcium source (for their shells), and make sure the water doesn't get too cold/hot. They survive in a wide range of temperatures and water quality conditions, but I would change out a good bit of the water (and lettuce) every day or two. You should have a throng of them in no time.

I'm using a 10gallon QT tank for snail breeding. I have a bunch of plant clippings from my main tank and have seeded the 10gallon QT tank with every snails I can find (all pond and MTS). If your looking for snails make sure to check your filter. I normally get 10-15 from my AquaClear HOB without much trouble.

From my own experience, Mystery snails do not eat other snails or snail eggs. I have never had a problem with raising pond snails in the same tank as my Apples. Both flourish. The only snails I havent so far been able to make a gazillion of is ramshorns, but I only tried that once, and both ramshorns died mysteriously. I only had one baby ramshorn and I havent seen him in months..of course. one small snail can easily disapear in a dense 75 gallon tank.
Fish love to eat smashed up snail. It sounds gross, but smashing them with your finger and then letting your fish eat them may also help to get rid of some. Not a fix by any means.
ty for the replies,
there was a snail came with the plant i bought last week, i saw this only one snail in my tank for couple days, then this week it disappears. i really think he climb all the way up and get out of the tank. is this a possibility?

maybe the snail doesnt like my water? or because i put a lil aquarium salt in my tank ?
I try to keep snails in my tank... guess I don't over feed enough. Try cutting down on how much your feeding.


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