Gold Severum please help

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 18, 2012
Manhattan, Illinois
I have a Gold Severum that I have now noticed hasn't eaten in two days likes to hang out in the bottom corner of tank. This is not normal behavior. It appears to be okay breathing normal. Does anyone know what could be wrong and what to do? Thank you in advance!!!
Any other symtoms such as stringy white poop, attempting to take food but then spit, or being lethargic? Most new world fish are prone to certain illness like Hexamita. The more information you provide us the better we could help.

Welcome to the forum as well, sorry this had to be your first post.
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No white stringy poop that i have noticed, I call her she not sure if she is or not but for sake of this thats what I'll call it. She does move around some more when the light is off, but when i feed the fish she goes back down in her corner along the bottom. And doesn't come up for any food. Doesn't look like she even trys to get any that may fall her way.
What are her tankmates and what size tank is this? A fish that is more active at night when the lights are out sounds like stress, they will come out when the lights are off since they are less of a target for other fish. Is it possible she's being bullied?

Just like humans when they are stressed there will physical and behavioral symtoms.
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2 gold severums
2 tiger cichlids bumble bee looking ones
2 yellow smaller chichlids
1 brownish one with a tint of blue
2 plecosimis

but they have all gotten along since day one if anything the gold severums run the tank cuz they are the bigger ones..I'm not sure
And its a 90 gallon tank.
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